Game Night

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"Cinder, get off my ship, NOW. I've let you get away with a lot but this is the last straw."

Cress hung off of Thorne's arm, using every ounce of strength in her tiny body to stop him from hurting someone.

"Thorne we're in space, where exactly do you want me to go?"

"Seriously buddy," Kai stepped in, ever the diplomat. "I think you're overreacting."

"Overreacting? OVERREACTING?" Cress had given up, as she was now in danger of being hurt herself. "Kai, I don't think you understand the extent of what's happening. Do you know what's going to happen now? Scarlets going to win! And Scarlet is infuriating when she wins!"

Cinder smirked. "You know who's more infuriating when they win? You are Carswell. Uno!" She played another skip, allowing Scarlet to play her final card. Scarlet stood up and did a victory dance.

"Nice one Scar" Wolf grinned.

Iko smirked at Thorne, or smirked as best as an android can. "Well, cadet, looks like you lost again.

Cress smothered a giggle behind her hand.

"Really Cress, you too?" Thorne turned toward her with an exaggerated look of betrayel on his face. "I can't even trust you."

"Captain, I love you, but you do get a little cocky when you win." She stood up and kissed Scarlet on the cheek. "Plus, I love Scarlet more."

Wolf chuckled and brushed his hand through his already disheveled hair, and Cinder caught Iko secretly admiring him. Scarlet glared at her. "Iko, I know all of our boyfriends are incredibly hot, but you've gotta stop checking them out."

Kai, Thorne, and Wolf all immediately looked smug. Jacin hadn't appeared to notice, entranced in conversation with Winter. "Why Scarlet," Thorne winked at her, "I never knew you had a thing for me, why didn't you ever tell me?"

Cress rolled her eyes. Kai played his last card. "Second place!"

The table immediately erupted into another bout of yells.

"You never even said uno!"

"We weren't playing for second!"

"Kai you can't hide cards in Cinders leg!"

A small cough startled them all. Winter and Jacin, who had been silent up to this point, we're looking smugly at the group.

"Winter," Jacin asked, "would you please inform our friends how long ago you ran out of cards?"

Winter demurely smiled at the group, and each and every one of them felt their heart skip a beat. Iko pretended her's did too. One never got used to Winter's beauty. "Oh, about 10 minutes ago," she said, "but I'm happy to share the victory with Scarling."

Scarlet fell down beside Wolf, defeated. "No Winter, you win. Again. How are you so good at this game?"

Jacin answered for her, "I believe the trick is to not be so annoying that everyone tries to attack you," he glared pointedly at Thorne.

"I am not annoying." He corrected himself when the whole group, Cress included, rolled their eyes at him. "Fine, FINE I'm a little annoying. It's a stupid game anyways."

The group laughed and threw their cards down in the middle of the table.

"So," said Thorne, deftly compiling and shuffling the cards, "another round?"

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