(Torl)595 fanfic

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Garcia and duke Felim's vanguard forces were already on the move, they were accompanied by a count of the old Redlis kingdom. The count and his allies were the contact point and headquarters of their operations in the Redlis region.
The first convey of ships were mostly supplies for their new base and came with a light guard, they were followed by a team of builders and engineers. Snow was already settling on the the land, they had to get the men here as some as possible before the winter frost restricted parts of the shallower tributaries of the silver river.
They would concentrate their forces around the river, creating a border so bandit smugglers couldn't easily leave the empire with their booty. Garcia was exasperated at Lorist logic, he's love of gold was like king Midas. The plan was sound though, it left the bandits nowhere to go but deeper in the empire where Whitelion legion was based. Making their way down south from Adinaq region where the current emperor Auguslo held his court. Sweeping bandits as they came the legion was finishing its last operations before bedding down for the winter. Lorist had sent 5000 men of Tigersoar legion they had the specialist winter gear and sleds to reinforce Whitelion legion as well as ensure the first band of manpower was collected quickly.  They took extra gear along to supply White lion to conduct winter blitz operations to clear the bandit nests sooner while everyone was cooped up for the winter.
Garcia and her forces were currently securing their hold and building fortifications, the rest of the men and supplies were slowly making their way here. What Garcia couldn't fathom how the king could allow all this movement of men and supplies, which hardly could go unnoticed that had been continually for three days straight been occupying the river.
The supply fleet had already cleared a swathe of the river, any one that barred the fleets way were treated as enemies and dealt with accordingly. They had started an occupation of the river, anybody with any business on the river had to prove themselves first before passage. Only the fishermen and villagers were left alone, everyone else scrutinised no movement of goods was allowed. Lorist figured their would be no merchants in a bandit infested region, so all movements of wagons and merchant goods would likely be bandits with rich pickings. The claimants of nobility had to prove themselves and where they obtained their wealth, if the wealth was an absurd amount for their standing in the hierarchy of nobility and no merchant connections in the family it would be confiscated. Only the old noble families with a history of a century or more were exempt.
Garcia was impressed with planning and logistics of this operation, the military advisors in charge were meticulous. Nothing could escape this net, they could just defend the river and the battle was half won. It was then the bandits choice were they would perish, at the hands of the Nortons or the Whitelion legion. They would be pincered in the middle being squeezed till their last gasps. It was an impressive battle plan, all she needed to do was her job clearing bandits, everything would soon begin, the days of slaughter were round the corner.

Viscount Tebri had got of at the port and was minutes away from the capital, before the convey from the north arrived at the estuaries of silver river and made its way down the tributaries. He had to get the king to sign the contract, all agreements of the contract had to be an official document, stamped with all the nobles insignias including the royal seal of the Krissen empire to make it a legal and enforceable record of the kings promises and the nobles entitlements including trade, written in the contract.
The meeting with the king was due in an hour, count Helena an old noble family, with a history of 2 centuries was heading the nobles petitioning the king. Count Jeffery was directing the conveys with the vanguard of the Norton forces. 
The nobles were waiting on viscount Tebri who master minded the whole plan, being linked with the Norton's viscount Tebri held a lot of clout in the group of nobles.
Disheveled Tebri plodding in with snow and frost lining his thick fur cape, it looked like a moving mound of snow.
Tarkel was here representing the north unbeknownst to others, he silently blended into the entourage making eye contact with Tebri as he seamlessly like a chameleon blended to his current environment, mixing with the nobles, grunting misfortunes and curses like any other here. Tebri was surprised with the mans talents, Lorist has sent him here to ensure everything went smoothly, He would Judge the bottom line and notify Tebri of how much leeway would be given, as well as act as a legal representative making sure all documents were legal and aboveboard.

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