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The palace was awash with anticipation, Prince Helliest was about to be introduced formally to all vassals of the Kristen Empire, the celebration was scheduled at 12pm the ball room was already prepared. The queen looking elegant and mystical in a pale net style lace gown, looking like a winter fairy accompanied by a dashing young Prince Helliest elegantly approached the stage and took their seats.
The royal speaker began the introductions as the nobles one by one when called entered the throne room bowed introduced themselves, if they felt it deserving they could present their gifts or leave them at the side as they left for the ball room. It was expected of the royals to greet their vassals in person if not the King himself his family had to host them, when it was a personal invite from the Crown. The Nobles order was decided by their peerage honorary nobles first followed by landed barons and then their order of peerage, the ball room was buzzing full of anticipation.
The northern nobles were very popular amongst the court, any and all gossip about the north was hot news amongst the capital, many rumours floated the streets and alleys, especially the last unfortunate incident between Duke Norton and his majesty. Being the centre of attention they relished in this opportunity to strut in front of their many peers at court, acting all pompous and knowledgeable.
The ball room had a famous acting troop from the Union performing for the nobles entertainment, the atmosphere was melancholic some were here to enjoy themselves others just fishing troubles in murky waters.
The young prince astute and regal maintained his composure as the many nobles introduced themselves, he just had to politely greet them his mother would do the rest. Those that prepared gifts especially for him he had to spare a few more words of gratitude he managed as well as a child would. The royal speakers voice came to a silence, Helliest was anticipating this moment the Dukes of the kingdom would be introduced, there was one in particular he was anticipating to meet, The only sword Saint of the empire who managed to inflict losses to every foe he ever faced, the empire only survived due to this War god. The exploits of this Duke were legendary from when he first returned to the past broken empire and then forged a path of fire and blood to his home, allowing his father the first of many chances at the reclamation of the empire.
The Dukes were introduced one after the other the first 7 were familiar he would see them often only Duke Shazin was a little unfamiliar according to his mother that Duke use to be a vassal of the Blood surge Saint along with 2 others they 4 together created the strongest union of houses with power greater than most kingdoms. This Duke gained a new mining territory in the south, so became a recurring guest of the capital recently, Helliest was informed really well , the moment was coming the Dukes did not leave the Throne room. Instead they lined up one side because foreign diplomats had also come they had to be present for the initial reception being holder's of the most power and influence after the king.
The speaker continued differently this time, announcing his Grace Duke Norton the Blood Surge Saint and her Grace Duchess Sylvia Norton  accompanying lords Duke Kenmays and Duke Felim, the four of them entered the hall together the Duke Kenmays and Felim took the lead without much fuss they completed introductions and took their place among the Dukes leaving the stage to Lorist and his wife.
Lorist slightly lowered his head 'your Grace nice to meet you"
Helliest replies "the Honour is mine"
Sylvia chuckling bowed and went to embrace her cousin the queen saying "nephew he's not going to eat you up his your uncle" the young princes face went bright red he couldn't think of anything to say so just squirmed in his seat. Lorist taking his cue to relive the young mans embarrassment continued "your Grace I have accompanying me some important dignitaries who also wish to share the fortune and blessings on the princes birthday, please" Lorist gestured. The speaker began again "introducing the Dean of Dawn Academy Scholar Claude, the representative of the Peterson kingdom Duke Hans Peterson,  the Representative of the Chickdor kingdom Duke Moribak Chickdor, representing the nation of Jigza Duke Fustat and finally the honourable Vice President of Morante His Grace honorary Duke Penelope.
The hall came to a complete silence the 5 gentlemen and their retinue entered, they approached Lorist and the stage to give their greetings, the pleasantries barely ended when suddenly the royal bugles resounded out bouncing around the chamber, the speaker made a new announcement " Please rise announcing his Majesty the emperor Krissen the Third Auguslo the Unifier, announcing his Grace the Duke Fislaben of East wild."
Everyone in the throne room was at attention the queen and Prince had both arisen from their seats, the ball room quietened considerably after the blare of the bugles now you couldn't here a pin drop. The king slowly approached his throne with Fislaben trailing behind, as he took he's seat he gestured for everybody to be at ease, the Audience chamber only had three seats the thrones occupied by royalty at present, The rest of them just stood like before as the King began to exchange pleasantries with the foreign diplomats.
Lorist looking up at the King, pondering this man does not know any subtlety, the Head of state was essentially showing his higher position to other states, having no seats provided after receiving news beforehand the king treated this sudden visit as such, no extra special care was taken just that his power and prestige wasn't blemished and he could feed his ego, lording over someone like a Sword Saint and the many Dukes. The fragile and unbending mind of this king truly frightened him, a loose cannon any sleight however minor or unintentional was met with a ruthless answer, it would come sooner rather than later the pettiness of their Liege troubled every vassal, many had suffered at his hands personally.
The kings attention now finished with the diplomats focused on Lorist.
"Brother Locke is nice to know your working hard for the kingdom, it's a pleasant surprise to have extra guests to share in our happiness and it pleases me announce to you all that the queen is expecting. Everybody together "congratulations your highness and good health to the queen."
Thank you everyone on behalf of the Kingdom and my Family please brother Locke continue your great endeavour to ensure the peace and stability of the foreign regions." Scathingly the king added the last part.
Lorist stepped forward "congratulations your majesty, I just thought I would come and see this future disciple of mine, some old friends were with me so I dragged them along to come take a look hope your majesty didn't mind."
How would you gracing is with your rare presence be not an occasion for euphoria, a modern legend who's tales are spread within most the continent many like to pander to those in positions such as yours. You should lighten your responsibilities leave some burdens for the kingdom to shoulder, we can't have our Sword saint overworked with trivialities." Auguslo expressed
Lorist spoke up "Your majesty the kingdom has enough on its plate dealing with the lawless provinces, to direct attention to bigger problems of the continent at this moment is unadvisable, leave these things to me, the foreign kingdoms all have a little trust in me and I have had dealings with them all in the past, the last couple of failed negotiations by both sides have lead to certain misgivings.
Your majesty everybody is comfortable with the current situation, any changes can destabilise what we've worked for, just leave it to this most capable vassal."
Locke its time for the kingdom to open channels of communication with all foreign nations, it's my duty to as its patriarch to make sure it's interests are protected, we can't have all dialogue on foreign affairs taken care of solely by you." Said Auguslo
You highness it's not that I'm not allowing you to have dialogue with these nations, the history of the Empire and it's attitude to its neighbours makes it difficult for any party to come to the negotiation table. The long war we fought all over the continent could have come to and earlier end with a lot less suffering and loss of life if any party could take a step back,  but bad decisions were made and our advice ignored if the north didn't come to the kingdoms aide again and broker a peace the kingdom may still be in a precarious position, the bad decisions lead to the result you are seeing in the  lawless provinces.
It's best you Grace to show your capabilities first in dealing with national issues, the foreign delegates could be invited any time, but your majesty no invitation from the Kingdom was received even after the information was available to the crown.
I don't want to really comment on his majesties subordinates abilities to gather intelligence, but a whole winter went by and opportunities came and went to advance your goals of foreign affairs, but not only was the delegates of foreign nations ignored the reception of the guests surprised you and no preparation was made before hand. Majesty not only is this distasteful this is not royal etiquette to receive diplomats in this manner, i hope your majesty will consider wise council, whoever is in charge of the kings affairs is not up to the job if he can't handle the simple task of knowing and preparing for your foreign delegates which puts you in a compromising position. Lorist retorted
The king aghast with where this verbal joust went continued a bit embarrassed " brother Locke you make it like I'm an ungracious host, it is truly my own fault I was in closed door training and could not inform my subordinates to make necessary preparations, since I couldn't be contacted I failed in my duty's please excuse my absence."
How could I blame your majesty, a monarch has many things on his plate, I thought it would be a good chance for the prince to meet such important figures, for his future he will navigate the political circles, to meet them know will prepare him for similar occasions. Let us enjoy his coming of age, so I have bought many gifts, they were mainly toys which the prince would outgrow soon so it was a relief to hear there was a sibling for the prince to enjoy them afterwards."
Lorists servants presented the many gifts and he stepped forward to introduce them himself to the prince, picking up the wind up dog he whined it up and let it go for every body to see its jumping and walking actions. Next the whined up car, the ooh and ahhs from the crowd followed each gift and its demonstration the tricycle with a horse's Head looked like a stead and was a novelty amongst the Nobles, the helicopter toy impressed the Prince the most.
The mood slowly turned more jovial the proceedings continued in the ball room where the celebrations continued after toasts were given, speeches made the guests began to tuck in and revel in the occasion.

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