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The capital was bustling, preparations were in full swing for the birthday of prince Helliest, most the Nobles of import of the kingdom were already in the capital. Those from the Northern Territory would be coming with Duke Norton, his father in law joined them as well, Xanthi was here at the capitol and assured him everything was fine. Auguslo on his throne was contemplating the coming festivities recently he had got good news that his queen was with child. He was thinking thinking that Princes birthday would be a good occasion to make the announcements, even if Lorist took Helliest as a disciple he could have more heirs.
Selik was on the way with the final reports on preparations and also to inform his highness of when the first shipment of military gear, procured by Andalou would enter the kingdoms borders. Selik had already sent out his men, this time he kept his core force back including Weckass and his well known subordinates. Since they would be joining a force sent from the trade union, they would become the future cannon fodder, men totalling 6000 were recruited mostly mercenaries and criminals. Andalou sent out only a 100 men to supervise and with 1400 idiot knights from Weckass's faction, they became the commanders, the only goal they had was to be a decoy for the real operation to begin.
The men were already gathered in Maldiva as soon as the rains let up enough they were ready to march, the winter was spent building simple siege equipment like ladders and rams for the coming battle against a local Count. The previous year they had clashed with his forces a couple of times and due to winter they couldn't finish gobbling this juicy peace of land. The local count was a tough one he managed to band together with the other local Nobles and resist them, but now they had double the forces and more coming, they had the simple duty of taking this land and waiting for reinforcements. The convey would reach the borders in another 2 months and them another month without delay if no problems occurred in kingdom borders. Selik had the convey consist of 15000 men since it was a huge convey, the other 25000 who were already stationed in and near the kingdom would start raiding hard and meet them back at the border after two months when the convey was due. He planned to gobble as much up as possible and all incriminating evidence to go back to the union through this mercenary force.
Selik ambled into the throne room and wheezed "you're majesty your loyal servant greets you"
Auguslo acknowledges " I'm happy with your work you have done well, you may begin."
Highness the convey is due in three months because of the overland trade route, it has only began to move due to the rainy season. The convey is huge consisting of 15000 men to transport 10000 pieces of armour and a full set of equipment like swords, shields and helmets, it will also contain some luxury goods for the queen and those for the capital. Due to the border province being full of bandits, because of these circumstances it could take longer. Your majesty no need to worry there should be more than enough manpower to see off any bandits, it would just cause a slight delay every time they have to defend from bandits or avoid them.
I will get White lion legion to proceed operations sooner so some of the provinces are more manageable, they will hopefully capture another prefecture in two months easing the burden on the last steps, this should leave only 6 wild provinces to cross." Auguslo expressed

Selik replied "the border prefectures are the worst hit your majesty, that's we're lawlessness is rampant. The borders are open with no defence and it is easily crossed, the nobles have all shelled up in their dominions like turtles, none of these nobles are taking responsibility, and some may even be involved in the current muddy affairs of the Redlis region. Selik just wanted to muddy the waters even more. "In a time of peace they cannot even control their own dominions or they do not want to."
Auguslo red in embarrassment " my dear Selik the region has seen more than a decade of war, most the prefectures have only small nobles left. He conveniently forgot to mention he robbed and killed most of them for being rebels, the stronger ones he relocated leaving nobody really in charge of the seven prefectures. "I have endorsed some nobles in the region they even have a merchant guild, they have promising reports they have two prefectures under control and most likely link up with White lion legion in 6 months. I can't do much about this transport convey but the next one will have no problems.
Thank you your highness, the celebration is nine days away all the festivities have been arranged, the queen has read the itinerary after adjusting to her suggestions it has been approved. That is all your majesty."
Selik informed as he bowed for his exit.
Auguslo just waved in acknowledgement as he watched the decrepit man shuffle out. The fierce gale sand legion were currently training, they were waiting to be outfitted with the new equipment. Mobilisation could wait until he had a full legion of fully equipped men, which could take up to another year.

TALES OF THE REINCARNATED LORD discontinued Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now