Chapter: three

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Adora's POV

"The hord's here!" A local villager screams where I transform into shera running into battle.

"Hey adora" I hear someone coo.

"Who's there?" I ask, looking around.

"You've never been good at looking up" Catra smiles as I look up to see her sitting on a roof. "How dose it feel to be on the losing side?"

"Catra?" I ask, "what are you looking here?"

"My job, I work for the horde kingdom. Which I think I'm doing a pretty good job at."

"What sitting there?" I chuckle

"No, distracting you" she chuckles as I hear an explosion in the distance. "Better run along"

"Oh no" I whisper running towards the place the explosion took place.
"Is everyone okay?" I ask seeing a large hole in the middle of the town, created from the impact.

"Adora!" Glimmer stomps towards me, "where were you?"

"Yeah, we could of gotten killed!" Bow stomp his foot. "You're the only one of us that can stop the hordes bombs."

"I know, I know" I say detransforming, "I was just distracted"

"That's something you can't be" glimmer glares, storming off.

(Time skip)

"Damit, Damit" I say swing my sword at the training dummies.

"You seem to be distracted" lighthope says appearing from out of nowhere. "what's on your mind?"

"Nothing" I huff.

"It doesn't appear to be nothing" she responds.

"I wasn't able to protect them" I whisper staring at my sword.

"You're still in training, a few casualties along the way is to be expected."

"How can you just okay with that?!"

"Adora, you seem upset?"

"Of course I'm upset! You just told me you expect people to die. I'm supposed to be She-ra, I'm suppose to be the one that keeps everyone safe!"

"Adora, no matter how strong you become there still be people you won't be able to protect. As she-ra you have to understand and be okay with that. Or else-"

"You'll replace me" I interrupt her.

"No, you'll end up like Mara."

"I think I'm training done for today." I whisper walking out of the temple.

"Of course she brings up Mara!" I yell kicking a rock. "It's always Mara this Mara that. Oh, you can't heal yet, Mara could do it on her first freaking try. If Mara was so great then why am I here." I look up seeing that I'm at me and catra's spot. "She's not here" I whisper reaching for my necklace. "We use to always met here after training."

I stand there, in that spot for what feels like hours. I'm not really sure why, I'm not really sure why I'm here. Maybe some subconscious part of me wanted to see her again, maybe I thought that she would be here sitting in the tree like she did every afternoon. Maybe if she was sleeping I could sneak up on her, scaring out of the tree. It was funny how she always landed on her feet, some part of me missed her.

"What was that?" I asked turning around after hearing something in the bush. "Seems like she not coming" I whisper, a bit disappointed.

The entire walk back to bright moon, she's the only thing I can seem to think about. "Where were you?" Glimmer asks, waiting for me at the entrance.

"I was training" I whisper, I mean that was partly true. "I'm sorry about today, I messed everything up."

"It's okay, I'm sorry I got so mad" she sighs. "It was my first mission I was in charge of and I wanted everything to go perfect. It's hard to stand out when your mothers a immortal queen." She chuckles

"You did amazing " I reassure her.

"Thanks adora, let's just hope my mom sees it that way."

"Glimmer!" Queen angella Calls her, probably to talk about today's missions.

"Bye" I whisper as she runs off.

"I can't believe she just forgave you" I turn around realizing bow was behind me. "We could of died."

"Bow, I'm sorry."

"What distracted you?"

"I...I can't tell you that" I whisper

"Of course you can't" he sighs "you never tell us anything."

"Bow, of course I talk to you."

"Really? Then what happened. The horde tech is years ahead of ours,  the only advantage we have is magic. That mean you, so you can't be distracted."

"I'm sorry, It won't happen again."

"It better not"

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