The Plan

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Next day.
The girls are all in their room asleep, the time is 8:00am when an alarm clock goes off. *RING RING* "Ugh..m.. I hate getting up so early" Rosé says in a tired voice. Since Rosé is next to the clock she hits the top to turn it off. Soon later the rest of the girls wake up.

"I'm sooo hungry!!" Lisa whined. "You just woke up how are you hungry already?" Jisoo asked. "Let me be hungry if I want to be"

Jennie, Jisoo, Rosé and Lisa all get out of their beds to go and eat breakfast.

"Hmm... do you guys know what should I make?" Jisoo asked the girls. "Uhh PANCAKES!" Rosé said in an exciting way. "How many times will we eat pancakes Rosie?" "Well you asked a question so I answered." Jisoo sighed and decided to make the pancakes since she didn't have a second option in mind.

"Unnie these pancakes are so good!!" Lisa says. "Well I mean I make them all the time so thanks I guess" The girls are all eating until Jennie beings up a topic they spoke about the day prior. "So.. about yesterday... you guys remember how we were upset that we're getting another mini album." "I didn't want to remember thanks for the reminder." Lisa said. "Lisa really? Anyways as I was saying I think we should do something about this because if we don't this will keep going on." "Well then what should we do?" Jisoo said. "I'm not 100% sure yet but we all need to brainstorm ideas."

"Hmm.. well. Uh.. what if we.. hire hitmen to kill the staf-" before Lisa finished what she wanted to say rosé stopped her. "LISA WE ARE NOT KILLING ANYONE!" "Well it won't be the worst of ideas." Jennie added. "Unnie!?" Rosé said. "Guys can we just think of something that's actually reasonable." Jisoo jumped in. "Fine then.. what about uh.. we just leave the company." Lisa said. "That will be too long of a process and we wouldn't even get to keep the name Blackpink." Jennie added.

"Oh yeah didn't think of that, well I have no clue." Lisa sighed and took a sip of her apple juice. "Wait guys." Jisoo said now making everyone intrigued. "What is it?" Asked Rosé. "While the rest of you have been talking I've been thinking what if we BURN THE BULIDING!"

Everyone suddenly stopped what they were doing and stared at Jisoo in shock. "Wha- what do you mean burn the building Jisoo?" Jennie said in a concerned tone. "Well it is the easy way out to be honest" Jisoo replied. "This plan of yours Jisoo sounds mischievous but I want to know more." Rosé said. "Ok so I was thinking that we all buy gasoline, two for each of us and then we throw it on the building." "Ok now hearing more of this it's starting to sound more crazy." Jennie said. "Just keep listening, so as I was saying before, we throw gasoline on the building but before we do we just warn Ikon and winner so they can exit the building and let YG and the staff burn inside." "Isn't this a crime?! I am not trying to go to jail Jisoo!" Rosé said. "Well, it's not if we don't get caught."

"For some reason I'm starting to like this plan of yours jisoo but after the building burns where do we go?" Jennie asked. "Easy answer to that question, let's just go to the black label duhhh it is still technically YG." "Ahhh now that's smart." Jennie said.

"So when should we start this?" Lisa asked. "Tomorrow Morning" Jisoo replied. "Well alright, if this is what it takes so we can finally get a full album I am willing to do it. Jennie said.

"Well anyways since we're done eating let's just wash these things up, we need to go to vocal practice right now anyways. Rosé told the girls.

The girls all wash up the dishes and went to their vocal coach so they can work on their singing skills.

Fast forward after the vocal lesson

The girls all walk back to their dorm where the beds are in their room. "Ah, finally that's done with." Rosé said as she crashed down on her bed. "I know that took FOREVERR" Jennie added.
"Well I'm going to go hang out with bambam see you later guys. "Bye!" the girls all say at the same time as Lisa walks out the door. So what now" asked Jisoo. "Well I don't know what to do now, I am just slightly nervous about tomorrow." Says Jennie. "We'll be fine Jennie."

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