He bit his lip in fear of the situation that was to come. He wasn't sure if he wanted to see what it was. However, he let the boy lead him to wherever he was going.

They ran further towards the school building, pushing though the people that ran out, trying to be unaffected by the red liquid that coated the school's tiled floors. But that was nothing compared to what they were running towards. When JB stopped. Nothing could prepare him for the sight of his boyfriend on the floor, his mom hysterically crying as she tried to contain the blood pooling out of his buttoned uniform shirt.

He couldn't breathe, felt like he were about to vomit. But all before that, he knew that he needed to do something. A yell of his name was all it took to snap him out of his thoughts again.

"Jeongukk!" Taehyung's mom cried, beckoning him to come closer. He crouched down, but he couldn't find it in himself to believe what was happening. This had to be some messed up dream. It wasn't real. But no matter how many times he squinted or blinked, it was all the same.

"Jeongukk, listen to me." He looked to her hesitantly but nodded anyway.

"You need to take him." She pleaded, pressing her hands on the wound harder.

"W-What?" He breathed, "Where?"

"The hospital." She tried to get her words out through tears, biting her lip so hard that it could draw blood.

"But can't we just wait for the ambulances? People—someone must have called them." His mom shook her head quietly.

"No—no the roads blocked. It'll take too long." She explained. "Jeongukk, please." She begged him shakily. "Please take him—I know it's hard but it's the only way."

Jeongguk tried his hardest to pull himself back together, he was convinced that he couldn't do it. But by then he gathered enough strength to look at Taehyung. The tears that fell from his half open eyes as they didn't seem focused on anything specifically. It didn't seem like him at all.

He gulped. "Okay."

Taehyung's mom nodded. "Okay. Press down here."
Jeongukk followed her request, shakily placing his hands on the wound. Taehyung gave no reaction besides a slight wince. But even at that, he wasn't completely sure that's what it was. It could've just been his barely there breathing.

He watched as she pulled her cardigan off. Jeongukk looked around and realized that JB had left to go somewhere. He looked back down and she was attempting to wrap the cloth around his stomach. "Lift him up."

Jeongukk did as he was told and held him as she tied the knot tighter. Jeongukk pulled him on his back when Taehyung's mom told him to, and pushed him to go after placing a firm kiss on Taehyung's cheek. "Are you not coming?" Jeongukk asked gripping onto Taehyung's thighs. It was slightly more difficult without Taehyung having a tight grip on his neck, but Jeongguk knew he would manage.

"I need to find Jin." She explained, her facial expression showing that she was worried. "And you guys need to get there fast. I'll slow you down."

Jeongukk was uneasy at the fact that she wasn't going to come, but understood why. He nodded. "Okay."

"Jeongukk," she started, he adjusted Taehyung's position on his back as carefully as he could. He looked at her, and could almost see the encouragement in her facial expression.

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