The Day Before the Exam

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"Alright, Draycos," Zero said, standing in the center of the floating island. He was holding the silver stopwatch Vertex had created last month, watching Draycos do some quick stretches. "Take off those weights and do ten laps around the island. You have ten seconds to get mental prepared.

"Got it," Draycos responded, nodding.

It was now the day before the assessment exam for the Prisoners' Games, and Zero was testing Draycos's progress made over the past month. During each week, they alternated between spending days running or sparring, and Draycos was given a day to rest on the seventh day each week.

The third day, Vertex arrived with a set of black ankle and wristbands that had apparently been woven by an elven seamstress. There was a spell woven in the fabric that was set to increase the weight of the bands the longer they were worn, and by Vertex's estimate, should each weight about fifty pounds each. Draycos was to meet predetermined benchmarks each day set by his records from running and sparring the first two days of training while wearing these weighted bands.

Draycos slid the bands off his wrists and ankles and dropped them on the ground, where they sent up a small cloud of dust. Zero gave him a signal, and he took off at top speed.

Damrabe was overseeing the training with Zero, as usual, and he hovered in the air a slight distance from the island to observe.

This kid really is something. Damrabe thought as he continued to observe Draycos's progress. He's not extraordinary or anything of the sort, though; all he's done is met the bare minimum of what we require from him for this plan to work. But that is incredible enough; no human could possibly meet the benchmark set for him at the end of each day before sundown. It really makes me wonder what the other half of his heritage is...

As Damrabe floated above, lost in thought, Draycos finished his ten laps and came to a halt in front of Zero, panting hard by not completely out of breath.

"Not bad at all," Zero commented, checking the stopwatch. "Two miles in seven minutes and twelve seconds is pretty impressive for humans."

Draycos said nothing as he grinned at Zero, still somewhat panting. Zero threw the silver stopwatch over his shoulder without looking, and Damrabe deftly caught it in one hand, refocusing on the scene below. Zero got into his fighting stance and waited, bouncing on the balls of his feet.

"Am I too late to see Draycos in action?" a voice from next to Damrabe spoke. Surprised, Damrabe turned his head and saw that Prince Drax was now hovering in the air next to him. He hadn't even noticed him flying over next to him.

"Sorry, my Prince. I was lost in thought there for a moment," Damrabe told him. "No, you're just in time, actually. But do you mind if I ask why you're here, sir?"

"My father sent me to 'scout', as he put it," Drax snorted in amusement. "Honestly, I don't understand why he couldn't have waited until tonight's council meeting, when you and Zero would have given your report."

"I guess he can't wait to find out Draycos's development," Damrabe chuckled softly.

"No, he can't." Drax returned his attention to the two figures on the floating island below. "I know about his running time; I could hear Zero as I arrived. But what's Draycos's best record in sparring with Zero?"

Damrabe was silent for a second as he glanced down at Draycos and Zero, who were both ready to begin sparring. With a nod from Damrabe, Zero jumped from his position and rushed in at Draycos, attempting to land a preemptive strike. Draycos easily dodged the right hook that was thrown and went in for a high kick to Zero's jaw, but Zero grabbed his ankle and prevent the attack from connecting. Zero then flung Draycos through the air, but Draycos broke his fall by rolling and quickly jumped back to his feet, only to find Zero on top of him as he did.

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