Mutant Request

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Requested Mutant for Moodq-

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Requested Mutant for Moodq-

•Has a tail that substitutes for three senses this mutant lacks in the face (hearing, smell, and taste)
•Attracts different creatures with specific colored glowing rings
•Can swim at speeds up to 105.7 mph
•Claws hook onto wood and the flesh of it's prey
•The color in the multicolored parts, constantly move in a slow liquid like motion (usually this calms intelligent prey)

•Due to the error of both eyes becoming one, this mutant has difficulty seeing and bumps into things constantly due to its broken view
•Cannot walk correctly, legs bump into each other causing this mutant to fall quite a lot (better in water)
•Due to these flaws above, the tail is extremely aggressive, this causes it to attack anything that it senses moving in front of it, often times water or a small leaf
•Gets claws stuck in things

-How to get away from this mutant-

•Avoid their tail at all cost, it's senses are boosted but it senses only work if the prey is in front of it
•Go past it's blind spot (The side of their face that lacks an eye)
•Avoid looking at the rings and the multicolored parts, will most likely distract and cause you to walk towards them instead of away

-If seen by this mutant-

•Run as fast as you can, this mutant cannot catch up but it has an immense amount of energy so try not to get tired too quickly

Avoid these instructions and death will be right at the corner

I hope you like the mutant!!!! :D

You can change anything you'd like! It's benefits, it's flaws, or design, it's all up to you! :)

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