Pizza Delivery

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Knock, knock. Sounded at the door, signalling I had guests once again. Turning off my instrumental music, I walked through my apartment to the door and said,

"Who is it?"

"It's the pizza delivery man!" yelled Andrew from the other side, making me giggle. I opened the door to see him standing there, covered in snow, holding our scrumptious feast.

"It's sure coming down hard." I said, taking the pizza box from him so he could shed his snowy coat.

"Yeah, but I came as quick as I could, so our dinner would be nice and warm." He said with a grin, taking the pizza back from me and walking into my kitchen.

"Such a gentleman." I said following him into the kitchen and pulling some paper plates out of the box. I then went over to my fridge, saw the bottles and said,

"Your drink options are water, or water." 

"Hmm, that's a tough one. I guess I'll take...water." He replied in a sarcastic tone.

"Perfect." I said, grabbing two water bottles from the fridge, and joining Andrew at the barstools where he opened the box, to reveal a steaming Hawaiian pizza.

"Oh my gosh!" I squealed. "You got my favorite! How did you know?" I asked, pulling pieces from the box and onto his plate, then my own.

"Well...I may or may not have asked the manger what you always order, then ordered that." He said with a boyish grin covering his features.

"That's so sweet! Thanks." I replied. "I hope you really like it too." I said staring at the monstrous size of the pizza.

"Yeah, I didn't know how much you really liked this pizza...So I got the largest size." He said looking like he just got caught stealing a cookie before dinner.

"Well, I think between the both of us we can probably make a good dent." I responded. And sure enough, by the time the clock struck ten, there was no more pizza left.

"I can't believe we ate that whole thing."I exclaimed in amazement.

"What!" He retorted, "You ate most of that." He said with his signature grin.

"In your dreams!" I replied. "I only ate like four pieces. You ate like seven."I said with a triumphant grin.

"Okay, okay. You got me there." He said, holding his hands up in defeat, making me laugh. Just then there was another knock at the door, knock, knock.

"I've got it." I told Andrew, setting my napkin on the counter, hopping off the bar stool, and walking to the door. Opening the door I found Mrs.Quinn standing there, with her coat covered in snow.

"Goodness gracious!" exclaimed Mrs.Quinn as she stepped into the apartment. "Y'all wouldn't believe how much snow has fallen since I left. Why, it's a miracle I was even able to make it back here." She told us, as I took her coat.

"Well, we are glad you made it here safe." Andrew said, meeting us in the entry way.

"Me too." She replied following me back into the living room.

"Wait," I paused turning back to face her, "Are we still going to be able to fly out tomorrow with all this heavy snow?"

"Well darling, I sure hope so." She responded. "Since we are flying out of a private airport, and the snow should stop coming down and begin melting before morning, we may still be able to fly out. But making it anywhere right now seems out of the question."

"But what about making it back to the hotel tonight?" Andrew asked, with a tinge of anticipation in his voice, not noticeable to either of the women in the room.

"Well it looks like we may have to wear-out our welcome on Henley." Mrs.Quinn said, turning to look at me.

"Oh, it's no problem." I said, secretly glad to have the company on my last night here. Maybe having someone around will lessen the sadness. "You are both more than welcome to stay."

"Thanks Henley." Replied Mrs.Quinn, followed by Andrew's sincere response,

"Yeah, thanks."

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