Early Start

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I finally slipped back into my apartment around 4 am. As quietly as I could, I hung my coat on the rack next to the door, along with my guests coats. The snow had begun melting off my coat and joining the already growing puddle on the floor of snow with a similar fate.

I sneaked back into the kitchen to grab a towel to wipe up the mess, and peaked in on the living room on my way. What I saw was Andrew, sprawled out on the couch, asleep where I left him. For the second time, in the short time that I had known him, I almost mistook him for my brother. And what usually would have brought tears to my eyes, brought a slight smile to my face instead. It was a nice, and quite unexpected change.

After I mopped up my mini lake, I finished any loose ends of packing that was left.

Just before 5 am I hopped in the shower, grateful for the one advantage of this apartment: thick walls. I turned the temp as hot as it will go, and just stand there for a few minutes and let the water wash away all the dirt, sweat, and fears from today. I expected to weep, but turns out I had no tears left. So I just stood there in silence and let my cares be washed right down that drain. 

I stepped out of the shower clean, fresh, and ready for a new start. I threw on some jeans and a sweater before stepping out of the bathroom. I peaked into my room to see Quinn was still sleeping on my way to the kitchen to start a fresh pot of coffee. The aroma of the brewing coffee was amazing. I looked through the miscellaneous bits of food left in the kitchen I decided I had just the right ingredients to whip up some of my favorite cranberry scones. 

Just as I was putting the tray of scones into the oven, I was startled to find Andrew standing a few feet away at the doorway of the kitchen.

"Oh my goodness." I said, putting my hand over my heart, trying to catch my breath. "You startled me."

"Haha, sorry." He laughed. "I woke up to the wonderful smell of coffee, and figured I should go investigate."

"Oh, there's a fresh pot." I said, gesturing to the coffee while I cleaned up my mess from the scones."And the scones should be ready in just a bit."

"Wow, waking up to fresh coffee and gourmet pastries. You're spoiling me." Andrew replied as he poured himself a cup and topped off my mug sitting on the counter.

"Thanks." I replied. "And soon that's gonna be my job, right?" Then realizing how weird that sounded, I tried to cover my word-vomit, "Uh, I mean not you specifically... but you know, coffee and pastries...the bakery." I stammered.

"Haha, yeah. I guess so." He replied with a cheeky grin, thoroughly enjoying my awkwardness. "So, where'd you go earlier. I woke up about 3 am and noticed you weren't there anymore. I thought about calling you, but figured you are a big girl and can take care of yourself, and I realized we aren't quite to the point yet where I can be in full-on stalker mode." He asked with a teasing grin, coming over to help dry the dishes I was washing.

"Will we ever be at that point?" I asked, attempting to avoid the question, and hoping he wouldn't notice. Fat chance of that.

"Okay, you don't want to tell me. That's fine. I'll just be left to my own creative imagination. You were meeting with your drug dealer and asking him to give you the name of his connections in Georgia...nah, that doesn't seem to fit...Oh, you were robbing a bank. You knew you were leaving the city tomorrow, and they would never catch you in time, so you figured what the heck..." He said, glancing over at me just in time to see my eye roll at his crazy suggestions.

"Okay, not drugs or robbing a bank...Maybe you went to the house of an old boyfriend to tell him goodbye, and that you would always remember the time you shared together..." He guessed, leaning up against the counter with a very smug look on his face.

"Who do you think I am?" I replied, with an exasperated laugh, as I handed him the last dish to dry.

"I'm not sure yet, but I'm interested to find out in this new adventure. And like I said, wild imagination." Andrew replied.

"Fine." I said, stuffing the last of my dishes back into their boxes. "I was just revisiting some of my favorite places and memories before leaving." Just then the timer for the scones went off, saving me from any further interrogation by this persistent man. 

"Those smell heavenly." Andrew said, coming over to grab one off the tray as I set it on the stove top.

"Careful, they just came out of the oven!" I said as he picked one up and defiantly took a big bite. 

"Luckily I'm very tough, and I never let a little heat stand between me and good food. These are amazing!" He said, "They are definitely going on the menu. Heck, they may even be our house specialty."

"Haha, you haven't even tried any of my other recipes. And isn't that something the chef should decide?" I asked.

"Isn't what something the chef should decide?" Quinn asked as she entered the kitchen. She looked just as put together as ever, and not like she just spent the night at in someone else's bed without any of her personal items.

"Good morning mom. I was just telling Henley here how amazing her scones are. You really should try one." Andrew said, handing his mother one, while pouring her a cup of coffee. 

"Mmmmm. Yes, these are definitely going to be a special." Quinn said as she tried a bite. "Absolutely amazing. Where did you learn to bake like this?"

"Oh, you know. I just picked up a little here and there." I said trying to hold back the big smile that was beginning to show. I had never had any so complementary or impressed with my baking before, except maybe at the diner. But the customers never knew it was my creation, so it was foreign but nice to be acknowledged for my skills. We sat there in silence for a few moments, sipping coffee and eating scones. It was nice to just be still and quiet with good company.

"Okay you too, back to business." Quinn said as she finished off the last of her scone. "It's 6:07 right now. Our flight is at 10 am. I've already arranged to have someone come and pick up your boxes later today, and ship them to Georgia. I hope that's alright Henley."

"Absolutely," I replied.  "Thank you so much."

"My pleasure darling." Quinn replied, finishing off the last of her coffee too. "Andrew, we need to run back by the hotel on our way to the airport to pick up your luggage."

"Sure, but what about all of your stuff mom?" Andrew replied.

"Oh, its all already done. I had some help this week and got it all packed up and shipped off before you arrived. We just need to swing by the house so I can grab my suitcase with some clothes and necessities in it."

"Wow, you're on top of it." Andrew replied, reaching over to not so stealthily grab another scone.

"You sound surprised son." She replied, winking at him. "I'm always planning ahead. Anyway, Henley, would you be ready to leave in about half an hour? To make sure we have time to run by both the hotel and my house to grab our stuff. I checked the road reports when I got up, and it looks like all the major freeways are clear, so we shouldn't have any trouble getting around today."

"Absolutely, just let me pack a quick bag of things I will need until the rest of my stuff gets there. Y'all enjoy all the coffee and scones you can eat. I'll be right back." I said as I left my two future colleagues in the kitchen and went off to tape up boxes and pack my duffel. 

Wow. I'm leaving Boston...and I'm going to be running a bakery, well co-running anyway. How exciting, and nerve-wrecking. Well, here's to a new adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2018 ⏰

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