Help Arrives

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I opened the door and was greeted by the sight of Mrs.Quinn and Andrew with their coats, that were now covered with snow.

"So we finally have snow?" I asked as I took their coats and placed them on the bench.

"Yes darling, I can't believe that it hasn't happened before now, seeing as its almost Christmas." Mrs.Quinn exclaimed.

"Yeah, we've even had snow before now." Andrew added, stepping into my humble abode.

"Well," I said as I pulled out my list, "I think I only have two rooms left to pack."

To Do:

[ x ] talk to landlord
[    ] pack living room
[    ] pack bedroom
[ x ] pack kitchen
[ x ] pack bathroom

"Oh, sorry! I've got to take this." exclaimed Mrs.Quinn, answering her ringing phone and stepping into the bedroom.

"Well, would you like some coffee before we get started?" I asked Andrew as I headed toward my now empty kitchen.

"I'd love a cup, actually." He replied with a smile, as he followed me into the kitchen.

"Well, you've sure made quick work of this kitchen." Andrew observed, as I grabbed a mug from a box, and mine from the counter.

"Yeah, I've always enjoyed spending time in the kitchen." I said as I poured some coffee into the two cups. Then, oddly out of character, I opened up and said, "Being in the kitchen reminds me of my family, we used to spend hours gathered around, eating, or talking, or playing games, or just...being there with each other."

"Anyway," I said, wiping away the tears that had begin to form and plastering a smile on my face, "do you want creamer?"

"No thanks. I drink my coffee black." he replied with a worried, yet inquisitive look on his face. "Henley, how long ago?"

"Uh," I said trying to delay, before realizing it was no good. He'll figure out eventually, I thought, so I might as well tell him myself. "A year." I said in a somber tone, "Its been a year."

"Do you want to talk about it?" He asked with a voice full of compassion.

"Maybe later." I replied with a small smile, grateful that Andrew didn't press the issue.

"I'm here, if you ever need someone to talk to." He said in a caring voice, as I handed him his steaming mug.

"Thanks." I said sipping my own steaming drink.

"Well now, what are you two up to?" asked Mrs.Quinn, coming back into the room, while pulling her cell phone away.

"Coffee." answered Andrew with a smirk on his face.

"Oh goodness," replied Mrs.Quinn, "obviously."

"Would you like a cup?" I asked her, trying to divert the mother-son stare off.

"No thank you darling. Actually, that was my travel agent, and apparently I need to meet up with him to sign some papers and other forms for our last minute travel plans." Mrs.Quinn explained.

"Oh, no problem." I replied. "I can finish packing myself. I'm almost done in fact."

"Oh, Andrew can still stay and help..." began Mrs.Quinn before she was interrupted by Andrew saying,

"Definitely. I'd love to help. Plus it will give us a chance to get better acquainted, since we are soon to be business partners."

"Alrighty! Bye darlings, I'll call after and see where y'all are." said Mrs.Quinn as she hastened out the door, shouting it behind her.

"Well, I guess we can start in the living room." I said as I exited the kitchen and flipped the lights on in the living room, since the lamps I had on wouldn't give us much light to pack with.

"Henley?" Andrew asked, with a peculiar concern in his voice.

"Yes?" I replied turning from the box I had begun taping.

"What happened to your arms?" He asked, making me realize that my sleeves weren't covering my arms, and that the man from earlier had left his calling card: giant bruises all along my arms.

"Oh, it's nothing. I uh...I just fell." I asked trying to avoid the explanation that would follow.

"And landed on your arms?" He replied, obviously not buying my wimpy explanation. 

"You're not going to let this go, so there's no point in trying, right?" 

"That would be correct," he responded, the concern still etched on his face.

And for the second time that day I did something absolutely crazy. I let Andrew into my life and told him what happened. Of the fear and worry I felt when that man attacked me, of the confusion and cluelessness I felt when he mentioned a disk, and of the relief I felt when I made it back to my apartment. After all this I finally looked up at Andrew expecting anger, disgust, disappointment, anything but what I saw. He was standing there arms open, with a look of compassion and empathy. Not able to hold in the emotions and tears anymore, I walked over to Andrew and was enveloped in a strong hug. And we just stood there while I cried. I cried for my family, I cried about the man, and I cried because of this tremendous opportunity to leave it all behind. To start again, to start anew.

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