Packing Up

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Once I had recovered from the shock, I got up off the couch and began the process. I took off my jacket, revealing my white blouse, and went into the kitchen. Taking a filter out of the cabinet, I started a pot of coffee, figuring it would be a long evening. I plugged my iPod in and started the music, because I work better with noise. My house was never quite, before the accident. One of my siblings were always singing, or screaming, or squealing. As I turned up classical tunes I began to make a list, my speciality.

To Do:
[    ] talk to landlord
[    ] pack living room
[    ] pack bedroom
[    ] pack kitchen
[    ] pack bathroom

Awesome, I thought, I've got a game plan now. So I set off to complete as much as I could before my guests arrived. I started off going to speak to the landlord. After confirming that I would be off the premises by the morning he agreed to not charge me for the remainder of the month.

To Do:
[ x ] talk to landlord
[    ] pack living room
[    ] pack bedroom
[    ] pack kitchen
[    ] pack bathroom

So then I began the prolonged process of packing. I started in the living room, and began packing up my stacks of books and movies. I then grew tired and moved on to the kitchen. After packing up the cabinets and emptying basically all the kitchen held, I heard my phone ding. Going to grab it I unlocked it and saw one new message. So opened it and it read,

A- Hey this is Andrew. We were planning on heading that way now, can you text the address? Sent at 3:36pm

H- Yeah, no problem. It's 2584 East Elm Street, and I'm in apartment #48. It's on the 4th floor, sorry :/  Sent at 3:37pm

A- Haha, no problem. It'll be a good workout :) See you soon. Sent at 3:40pm

H- Alrighty, see you both soon. Sent at 3:42pm

After setting my phone down I went back to the kitchen, stacked the boxes and checked off my list.

To Do:
[ x ] talk to landlord
[    ] pack living room
[    ] pack bedroom
[ x ] pack kitchen
[    ] pack bathroom

Alright, I thought, what next? I decided on the bathroom, figuring I wouldn't want people packing up my bathroom stuff. So I set off and accomplished that, and finished right before I heard the doorbell ring.

The Night That Changed My LifeTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon