-camp pt3-

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Before the training started it was announced that as a fun event, a test of courage. I was excited. The training ended and we finished dinner we all gathered and drew lots for partners I got paired with midoriya and right away I could see the jealous look bakugo gave. I didn't understand why... we were just friends... he wouldn't feel that way about me... I know that. I decided to talk to midoriya a bit. But he stopped me. Before I could start forming words. "You like him right?" I shook my head, my face turning pink.

'No' I insisted and he smiled.

"I'm happy for him he found somebody who he respects and can get near him." I smiled and nodded just as we were about to leave. A sea of flames rose above the trees, the smell of burning wood reaching us. Midoiya left to find the kid that was here. Aizawa looked back at me. He didn't have to say it. I just nodded. I stayed put when Aizawa took off and told me to follow him. Before we got the kids who had failed, midoriya stopped us and handed the kid to Aizawa. He said bakugo was being targeted and I felt this need to run after him. Aizawa looked conflicted.

"Go with him, I'm not blind to how close you are with bakugo" I smiled and nodded taking off after midoriya. We ran into tokoyami who was having some issues with dark shadow. In the panic, Midoriya did that reckless thing off on the spot planning we made him chase us. He was wrapped in Shoji's arms while I ran ahead of them spotting the light I ran towards them. I couldn't get their attention so I waited for midoriya to shout.

"Give us some light!" he shouted both todoroki and bakugo sed their quirk getting dark shadow under control. Tokyami was apologizing profusely. I ran up to bakugo with relief he looked away,

"What ya think? I'd get myself caught? You think I'm weak or something" he had a joking tone and I rolled my eyes.

'Dumbass' I signed and he clicked his tongue midoriya started to plan his escort and I very quickly noticed bakugo's expression. I laughed silently and he glared. I was put in the back of his tokoyami. As we walked we found uraraka and tsu. A blond girl ran off. I suspected another villain.

"Ah too many people no fun anymore." she didn't stay before dashing away.

"What are you guys doing?" Uraraka asked and I tilted my head before looking back ignoring the conversation... he was gone. A man in a mask shoed to marbles before running off. I instantly activated my quirk. I was pushing my limits after training. I was already tired and in the dark, it was hard to see. I caught him for a moment and started pulling him closer before I lost contact and ended up bringing towards me the jacket he had on. I started taking off following him. The other had launched and attacked him. I was out of breath when flames came at us shoto blocked with his ice but the other was able to get away.

My hands started moving without me thinking 'give him back! Give him back!' I was repeating over and over. I remembered what I had learned and looked at the neck of one of the villains before their eyes opened. The raven-haired one dabi I think it was looked surprised. I continued to glare. He shot flames distracting me and I lost connection.

"What the fuck," he muttered the other revealed the marble we had wasnt bakugo I had figured as much. A beam of light hit his mouth. I ran my eyes and tried locating one but it was too late dabi had grabbed his hand around bakugo's neck. I went to charge but felt his arms holding me back. Bakugo mouthed not to try anything. I snapped the branches around us and sent them to the villains. But it was too late... the warp closed and I realized seeing it was todoroki I shook my head over and over this isn't happening. I mouthed his name as tears slowly dropped from my eyes. There was blood mixed with the tears. I was way over my normal limit. I slammed a hand against the ground. I stood up and wiped my eyes smearing the crimson liquid. Slowly I moved my hands.

'Why... Why did you stop me... I could have' he didn't know what I was saying but had an idea.

"You were being reckless" he muttered before walking away. I still felt the warm tears falling down my cheeks.

That night in the hospital I couldn't sleep as I realized I loved him. There was no doubt about it... it only led me to shed more tears. I wanted to scream to make noise but I knew the pain... but didn't care. I wanted to hear it on my lips here. Every night after that, that's how I got myself to sleep. Slowly forming the words on my lips and trying to fight back the pain. Broken syllables of words and tears...

It wasn't long before Kirishima spoke up and I was in for the plan. Tonight we would get him back...

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