5. Party

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Harry's arm was firmly around my waist as he pulls me closer. His protective nature always surprises me. He lets everyone in the room know I'm his. He of course does it in a non-degrading way. Just simple acts like holding my hand, kissing my temple, or arm around the waist.

"Hey lads" Harry smiles as we see the rest of the boys. We are at a small party the boys are throwing for there new album FOUR. Nothing like professional just friends celebrating and getting drunk.

"Hey y/n care to dance?" Niall winks as he smirks knowing Harrys protectiveness.

"Oh I would love to Niall" I giggle as Harrys arm slightly tightens.

"Mate." Nialls laughs as Harry glares at him.

"Relax babe, we are just teasing." My hand rest on his chest looking up at him.

"You are mean" he pouts making my smile widen.

"So mean" mocking him slightly. I disconnect myself from him walking to the kitchen. Reaching the kitchen counter finally and making myself a drink. Not a minute later two arms are wrapping around my waist. I know immediatly its harry, his arms feel so natural around me. So right.

"Y/n don't leave me" he rests his chin on my shoulder hiding his face in the crook of my neck.

"I was only like 20 feet away" my grin grows. He plants one last kissing on my neck disconnecting from me. He sits on the counter next to me intertwining his fingers with his own. He lays his head back. I have always admired how young he looks but so handsome. Harry is so beautiful, so effortlessly.

I slowly walk over to Harry, his arms going around my neck as the other rest right on my bum.

"I can't wait to get you out of these clothes babe" he whispers in my ear.

A/n 600+ reads holyyyyy shit ily:)))) please vote TYSM

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