2. Surprising him on tour

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"Shh Niall" Putting my index finger to my lips as I peek from behind the couch of there temperairy dressing room. He face lights up as he sees me smiling. I duck back behind the couch seeing his curly hair behind the rest of the boys. 

"I'm so excited for this show tonight guys!" Zayn says a smile im sure planted on his face. 

"Hey lads have you heard from y/n? He hasn't answered any of my calls today?' Harry voice sounds a mixture of hurt and sadness making me pout my lip slightly. 

"No sorry mate" Niall obviuosly lie since he just saw me only seconds ago. 

"I hope shes not upset at me or something" I can't let him sit there and worry about me being angry with him any longer. I up from behind the couch stretching my arms abouve my head.

"surprise!" My voice is loud and startles everyone except Niall of course. Harry face completley tranforms from upset and worried to happy and surprise. He jumps up running over to me wrapping his arms around me spinning me around. 

"Y/n" Harry whispers as if he doesn't believe its actually me. A smile plants itself on my face as he sits me back down on the ground. 

"Baby, i have missed you so much" His hands cupping my face. 

"And i you" He grins at me before leaning forward firmly pressing his lips to mine own. Every feeling i have ever had towards harry seems like it in this kiss. I smile through it my hands over lapping his own on my face. 

"How long are you here?" He asks laying his forehead on mine.

"As long as you will have me" He smiles closing his eyes before reconnecting his gaze with my own.

"Forever please"

A/N How was that? Yes? No? But anyway pleaseee go check out my other fanfic, Skinny Love, please:) Ilysmmm and woah we got a 100 reads 

Harry Styles Imagines (some smut)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt