A time if waiting

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The week passed in a blur of activity. Gerry and Bryant were teaching me how to use a sword as well as my magic. Bryant was also working as the captain of the guard and training the new riders we had. Gerry was teaching me the laws and ways of a land I was born too,  but knew little about.
Then there was Stryer. The heir to the kingdom. Many eyes were on him and his dragon,  Xanthan. This was an unusual parting. Jauntize explained that Xanthan had a rider before. A male known as the Oblique, or the dark one. The rider perished in the dragon fire my mother sent down, as did many others. What was so unusual was that Xanthan was the only dragon known who had not chosen to follow their rider into the void.
“That sounds sketchy with the whole prophecy thing.” Gerry said when I told him. We were eating lunch sitting on a tree branch watching the recruits practice drills of fighting on the entire length of their dragon
“I know. Add to the fact that Stryer seems to be the best at everything, its downright terrifying.” I said. We were watching the elfin prince. He stood tall on the  back of his dragon. Sword in one hand a leather shield brace on the other.  He moved from head to tail with the grace of a dancer. He sprang and leapt over Bryant’s blade as the instructor worked as an opposing force. Currently the dragons were lying on the ground as they ran these drills.
I could see that Stryer, even without his dragon, was a match for the Captain’s abilities. When I said as much to Gerry he only commented. “Well he is a prince. Bryant's only a captain.”
“What does that mean?” I asked when he refused to elaborate.
“Stryer has Nobel blood. Here in Fae it makes them stronger and faster.” Gerry explained.
“But, Bryant is his uncle.” I pointed out. Gerry drew in a breath as if getting ready to explain rudimentary life to a toddler.
“He was never a prince of Fae though. His parents were banished and even though your father took him in, he was never recognized as a prince of this land. Those…” he paused searching for the right words. “abilities lay dormant in him.”
“You mean until Fae sees him as a prince his birthright is lost to him?” Gerry nodded.
“How can I unlock it?” I asked.
“You can't. His uncle could acknowledge him as a prince,  but then he would be next in line for the throne, not Stryer.” He explained handing me the water skin.
“You are wrong little leprechaun.” We looked to see Gem below us. “There is one way our dragon king can give our captain the title he was  born for.” Gerry's face reddened.
“How?” I asked.
“Marriage.” They said together. “The spouse of a king or queen must have a title. If you wed  Bryant you can bestow on him the title of Duke, Lord or Prince.” Gerry continued. I slumped. It was general knowledge that  Bryant spent his nights in my bed. Neither of us tried to hide it,  but marriage? I was a little young for that. I said so.
“You are thinking as a human.” Gerry stated. “In Fairy the elves mate for life. You both are ….” He stopped again.
“He is full elfin. He was just raised with the fairies.”
“Why does that matter?” I asked. Finch had joined Gem below us.
“It means he has never loved before. He has taken lovers to be more accepted, but his heart was never in it.” Finch explained a cherry smile on his lips. Being fully fairy it didn’t bother him that his once lover never loved him.
“He pledged his heart to you, Raven.” Gerry said quietly. “One thing you need to remember, you are not in the mortal realm any longer. Here, love is love no matter who it is between. There have been gay rulers together. You just need to produce an heir, or appoint one.” He explained to me.
To marry Bryant. My head spun with the thought. He would never agree if he knew I was doing it to give him his birthright. He would only say yes if I truly meant it. I watched him now. He was clad in a leather vest plate, his arms bare. The weapons visible on his arms. His silver hair was spiked by the wind. His legs covered in tight fitting leather pants. The leather boots reaching up to his knees for more protection. He stood atop his dragon, sword pointing down. He was watching one of the new recruits a frown marring his features.
His icy blue eyes narrowed in the sun. His figure compact, lean, honed for fighting. He was opposing. I swallowed the lump in my throat. Bryant should be the king, not me. The man was born to lead. I lowered my head. What the hell was I born for? To fix my mothers problems. To unite the courts? Had she cheated on her husband? Was I created out of love of just necessity? I had no way of getting these answers. I felt Jauntize probing to see why my mood had shifted so. I pushed him out of my head a skill I was getting good at.
I leapt down running back into the woods. I needed time alone. “Raven!” I heard Finch and Gem call, but not Gerry. Oh he knew my moods to well by now. I found a stream and sat down. Slipping the hard leather boots off, I rolled my pant legs up and dipped my feet in the water.
It should feel cold. I thought. Nothing felt warm or cold to me any longer. It just felt the same. My magic adjusted to everything. I sighed watching the clear water flow around my feet. Fish slipped in and out or jumped over them, I smiled. I let my mind wander. Not really thinking of anything yet things still popped up.
Insecurities tugged at me. I wasn’t eve able to defend myself well. What king couldn’t fight? How was I to instill loyalty in these people when all they saw was me sitting and watching. Bryant had thought it best that I not train with the others. It was his belief not to allow Stryer to see my weaknesses. I kicked out at a fish swimming by. It darted away.
“Water calms a troubled mind.” I blinked. It was like he knew I was thinking about him.
“Don't you have soldiers to train?” I asked, I flinched at how whiney my voice sounded. He knelt behind me, one hand brushed the hair from my neck. He kissed it. I squirmed.
“Not when my lover runs away, what’s on your mind, Raven?” Bryant asked. I snorted.
“You always do that.” I said. I could see in my minds eye how his head would tilt his eyebrow raise as he looked at me waiting patiently for me to go on. “You call me your lover or your king, never do you say how you feel.” I said.
“You are young, new to this. I don’t want to rush you with my feelings.” He spoke calmly but there was something beneath the words. I turned to look at him. He was gazing into the water.
He smirked when he felt my eyes on him, but he didn't look at me. His hand rested lightly on my shoulder, a tender claim. “Do you wish for me to say it?” he asked in his slow way. I shrugged. Turning away from him. He caught my chin in his free hand. Pulling my head back to him.
“My feelings are mine to deal with, Raven. You have mush more to fill your head with than me. You are king and I must prepare you to rule. I must teach you to face your enemies alone.” He paused I saw his jaw muscles tightening as he clenched them. He swallowed hard.
“To do that I have to bury the very part of me that means the most. I have to stop protecting you so you can learn. It is hell for me to watch you suffer in any way.” He leaned forward to press his lips to mine, lightly. “For you see, I fell in love with you a long time ago.” He whispered. “I love you, Raven. Not as my king, but as my life.” He drew back then, rising not waiting for my response.
He stood above me looking out over the land across the stream. His body ready to protect that which he cares for. I pulled my feet out of the stream. Curling my arms around my legs I pulled them to my chest. I placed my chin between my knees looking out to where his gaze had gone. Our dragons rested there haven flown in when they felt the turmoil of our emotions. Jauntize had Allerra nestled under his wing as they shared a cow together. I sighed.
He was meant to rule. Why would he hatch for someone like me?” I lowered my head putting my forehead against my knees. I felt the tears rise. I hadn’t cried in a very long time. The images of my mother protecting me before I was born. The dragons taking me to their lands to keep me safe. Gran, someone who wasn’t even related to me, gave her life to save me. Bryant always at my back to keep me alive. Why did my life matter so much more than any others?
Arms wrapped around me from behind. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to overwhelm you. I told you, they are my feelings to deal with.” Bryant pulled me against his chest.
“People have died for me who didn’t even know me.” I whispered. “What have I done to deserve to be loved? I’m just a kid from nowhere.” I lowered my face into my own chest. Once more Bryant found it. He yanked it up forcefully.
“You think he is nobody.” His voice was harsh in my ear as he forced me to look at the King of dragons. “Do you think he would have hatched for some useless fool from nowhere?” His fingers dug into my cheeks. “Do you think Gerry would still be at your side if you were useless?” he demanded of me. He turned my head to look at him. His eyes were filled with intensity and righteous anger. “Do you think so little of me, that I would give my heart to a fool?” he scowled. I shook under his glare. Forcefully he kissed me pulling me tighter to him.
“Only the best of kings give thought to their doubts.” He said when he released me. “They look at them to see where they need to improve. Then they offer them to others for help and guidance. You will be a great king, even if it is because you doubt you can be.”
“Gerry told me of your birthright as Prince.” I whispered. He snorted.
“I do not wish to have that title. It would take me from you, for one.” He said. I laid me head on his shoulder turning to curl into his arms.
“Not if you were married to a king.” I said. He laughed.
“Do you think I would allow you to do that, just to give me a title? What to unlock the fairy magic in my blood? Then you would be a fool.” He stated.
“No, I know you will refuse me if that is the reason I ask.” I said. I still had my arms curled around my legs.
“You're right. I am too young to deal with all of this at once. Right now…” I paused as I watched the dragons. I pushed away from Bryant. A king didn’t need to be comforted, right? I thought. Jauntize raised his head to look at me. His almond shaped eye digging into my heart. Yet again I saw how wrong I was. A king takes comfort in those he trusts, in those he guides and teaches, in those he rules. I lowered my head leaning back into the waiting arms of the man behind the king.
“I'm glad you're here with me. I don’t understand love, I haven’t really felt it until I saw you.” I whispered. I drew in a breath letting it out slowly I laced our hands together.
“Now I must learn to be a king. I have to learn to rule with an open heart and unbiased mind. It is not just the skills of fighting you teach, but the love you show me as well.” I moved my head to look at him. I smiled.
“There will never be anyone to hold my heart the way you do. I love you, but I cannot marry until I get them to accept me not as Jauntize’s rider or your lover but as a fair, able and strong king.”
His smile was like the sun coming out from behind a cloud. It had started when I confessed my feelings for him. “As long as I have a place in your heart, I can wait. I still have to teach you to defend yourself better!” he rolled his eyes.
“How is your ankle doing?” I had sprained it during the last sparring session.
“It's fine. Apparently Jauntize can heal me quicker. A useful tool in battle.” I pointed out.
“There you are!” I looked around Bryant to see Gerry bent over panting trying to regain his breath.
“Are you done whining?” He smirked at me. I laughed. Pulling away from Bryant I slipped my boots back on.
“It is time the recruits see just what their king can do.” I turned to Bryant. “You will have to teach me more tricks to defeat Stryer if the time comes but I want them to see me train along with them!” I decided.
“Very well.” Bryant agreed. Jauntize roared his own approval.

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