The Apple of Discord

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In Greek mythology, both gods and mortals coveted the golden apples the mother goddess Gaia gave as a wedding present to Hera and Zeus. They were kept in a garden guarded by the Hesperides, daughters of the goddess of the night, and by Ladon, a hundred-headed dragon that never slept. These apples promised immortality and anyone who ate them would never again experience hunger, thirst, suffering or illness. According to one version of the myth, Eris, the goddess of discord, was furious at not having been invited to the wedding of Thetis and Peleus, so she took one of the apples and threw it among the guests. The apple was inscribed with the words 'To the fairest' and caused mayhem among the crowd.

All of the gods recoiled and most goddesses, but Athena, Aphrodite, and Hera fought over the title. They asked Zeus who it belonged to, and he responded to ask Paris, a mortal prince. They showed him the Apple, and asked the question, bribing him with gifts. He chose Aphrodite, and would cause war between the gods and mortals.

The apple is an important symbol to Erisians aka Discordians who worship Eris.

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