Chapter 11

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P-O-V Percy:
I was worthless to him. He hated me more than I could ever love him. I ran through the hospital and out the door. I found the brand new version of my old car and hopped in.
I didn't know where I was heading I just drove. I hit a bar along Main Avenue and jumped out. So what if I was under aged?
-time skip a few hours-
I slammed down the bottle of whiskey. The feeling of happiness and carelessness washed over me in waves. A cute guy sat down the bar from me. He looked at me and smirked before he made a little wave.
I walked over and immediately felt lips on mine. How ever much I wanted to resist I didn't. "Let's take this somewhere else hottie." He whispered to me. I shook my head. "Come back here you son of a bitch!" He yelled as I ran out the door. Driving drunk wasn't the best option but I couldn't afford to wait for a taxi. I hopped into my two seater and sped away.
P-O-V Nico:
I woke to the sound of machines. "Hey sunshine how are you doing?" The familiar voice of Dorothy asked.
"Fine." I lied through gritted teeth. "That's great sunshine!" She seemed to not know I was lying. "Want to know the news?" She asked like normal. "No thanks." I declined.
She frowned. I normally wanted to hear the news. "Ok sunshine." She sashayed out of the room and on to the next patient.

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