As he entered the house he became shocked after watching Rani pointing gun on his wife's head. He dropped all the packets of vegetables on the ground and said worriedly,

"Rani what are you doing? Leave my wife."

"Ha..ha..ha..ha..", Rani started laughing loudly. Her evil laugh scares me. I am worried about Maa's safety. I wish I could swap our places.

"Are you scared Mr Singhania?", Rani asked.

Paa looked at me questioningly and I asked him,

"Why she is doing all of this paa?"

After listening my query paa became confused and said,

"How would I know?"

"Because she is Kareena.", Maa said while looking towards Paa.

Paa's eyes became wide in shock.

"What!", Paa said shockingly.

Maa nodded her head in approval and some more tears came out of her eyes.

I stood there listening everything and trying to understand what's going on. Who is Kareena? As far as I know she is Rani not Kareena but why Maa said that she is Kareena? and why I feel like I have heard this name before?

"Kareena?", I enquired,

"Finally you recognized me.", Said Rani.

Paa started walking towards her direction and now he also have tears in his eyes like Maa.

What is happening here? Both Maa and paa are hiding something.

"What's happening? and Who is Kareena?", Karan asked confusedly.

"Explain them Mr singhania. Tell your kids who I am? It's time to reveal your dirty dark secret.", Rani said excitedly.

I looked at him questioningly, What's  the dark secret that Rani is talking about?

"What you both are hiding from us?", I asked.

Suddenly Paa falls down on the floor as if he is very weak and don't have any strength. Me and Karan rushed towards him.

"I am sorry.", He apologized while keeping his head low tears were continuously falling from his eyes.

"Why are you saying sorry? What's the matter Paa? What you both are hiding from us?", I enquired politely.


Suddenly I heard a thudding voice and lifted my head towards the source of sound. I saw Maa lying unconscious on the floor.

"Maa.", Me and Karan shouted.

"Rekha", Paa shouted worriedly.

Without wasting any minute I rushed towards her followed by my brother and father.

"Wake up Maa.", I said while shaking her lightly.

"Bring some water.", I ordered Karan.

He rushed towards the kitchen.

"Wake up Maa please please.", I tried to wake her up and continued to tap her cheeks lightly.

"What you did to her?", I shouted on Rani.

She stared me horridly and said,

"I didn't do anything. I was just holding her and suddenly she fainted and fall down.", Rani said scaredly.

Karan came back with a bottle of water and gave it to me.

I sprinkled some water on her face but nothing happened. I continued sprinkling water on her face after few seconds she started waking up.

"Wake up Maa.", I pleaded worriedly.

She opened her eyes and looked at me confusedly as if she doesn't have any idea what happening here? then she saw Rani and her expression changed from confused to worried and then sad.

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