Yandere-Diavolo | Safety

Start from the beginning

A few days later...

The clicking of shoes was to be the only sound throughout the empty streets as she walked down the stone paths alongside with the very man who had her heart in his hands. Her hands were clenched tightly, almost to the point where they could tear the skin on her palms, as her cheeks kept to a shade of candy-red.

Once they were at the stairs, leading up to the door to her townhouse, Y/n gradually turned to the male, her eyes slowly trailing up to him. Just the small sight of his kind gaze made her blush darker.

"Bucciarati, thank you for returning me home. How could I repay you?" She asked. A smirk emerged upon his lips as he stepped closer, bringing his gentle hands up to her hot cheeks. "Actually, I do have an idea on how..."

He closed the gap between the two, pressing his lips against hers with zealous ferventness. Y/n brought up her hands to rest on his shoulders as his arms reached around her waist. Y/n smiled in the kiss, dragging her hands up and around his neck, deepening the kiss. 'The sly bastard, he actually... wow.'

Steadily, Bucciarati pressed on against the kiss harder inevitably pushing Y/n up against the front door and bringing either hands beside her, pinning her on the door. Her heart was fluttering like doves as it went on, feeling like it was all a dream. She felt as if that once the kiss would end she'd wake up in her bed, in her pajamas, alone...

But when he pulled away, sighing with delight as Y/n panted, staring up into his cobalt-blue eyes with such intensity, it was real. None of that had been a dream. Her prince charming had actually been kissing her, with the same love she felt for him.

His forehead was pressed to hers as he regained his breath, smiling weakly. "I... can't wait to see you tomorrow." He stated, his voice slightly raspy. Y/n, who still had her breathing cycle out of order, puffed out; "See you then."

With one more short, lingering kiss upon her lips, Bucciarati left.

Y/n slid down the door, sitting on the stairs as she recollected her breath, still a bit light-headed. Her pearly-whites shined as she propped up her head with an arm, her cheeks burning as she continued remembering the feeling on her lips. Just that exchange, and she knew she finally found her proper belonging, to be with him.

Finally, she got up and unlocked the door, before she could pull the door out, she suddenly felt herself freeze. Had she hesitated?

Shaking her head, she entered the house, still dizzy from that fantastic feeling and walked up to her room. She switched on the light and surprisingly a set of clothes, neatly folded and in a pile, were sitting on her bed.

'...Maybe I was being productive again and already got clothes in the morning. Oh well...' Pushing the thought aside, she took the clothes, had her shower and changed into them.

She then walked back downstairs to her kitchen. When she got to the door-frame, a very sweet and delectable smell wafted to her nose. Puzzled and nostalgic on the scent, she followed it until she found where it came from. Her favorite meal sat on a plate in the middle of the dining room table.

Unease began to sink in as all feelings of love left the building.

Y/n spun around, paranoid of her surroundings backed herself onto a wall. Every sense had been hyphened for her as her eyes darted from one corner to another, keeping her breath calm as she kept her back to the wall, sliding to the kitchen.

Her stand had no fighting abilities, so the most she could do was grab a knife from the drawer.

The paranoid idea of someone hiding in her house, of someone who could be anywhere, it was distressing, worrying as her blood ran cold.

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