i'm moving to tumblr

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the rest of story is on tumblr! if you would like to read it but have no idea how to use tumblr, there will be a tutorial later in this chapter


FAQ (please read before commenting)

can you please republish *insert story* on wattpad?

the answer is, unfortunately, no. i'm leaving wattpad completely, and i want all of my works on ONE platform. that way, if i get notifications about it, i won't have to juggle two platforms in order to read through feedback or comments.

also i nearly broke my back reorganizing this fic on tumblr so i'm def not gonna undo all that work by republishing on wp lmao

i don't know how to use tumblr

well, i didn't know how to use wattpad three years ago lol. you can learn to use apps. we're in a generation full of technology, so i'm sure you can manage. if not, i have a tutorial down below so FEAR NOT

i'm not allowed to download tumblr/i can't download another app

tumblr is an excellent website as well! you can easily make an account there. i recommend the pc version, but the mobile website works fine too

are you really leaving wattpad?

yes. i wanted to leave a year ago and i was planning to do so in 2021. but when covid-19 hit, i figured i could make do of my extra leisure time and start up my tumblr platform a bit earlier than planned

why are you leaving wattpad?

i mostly feel as if i've outgrown wattpad. but i'm also not a fan of the immaturity i've seen on this app. i've had a lot of uncomfortable encounters in the past, so i'm leaving also to join a more mature community

why tumblr though?

ohohohoho. a lot of reasons. here:


—oneshots are for me

i hate dragging things on. i was never really a novel writer, too. i've always had an affinity for short stories and tumblr serves as the better platform to post oneshots!

—tumblr allows me to customize everything

and by everything, i fucking mean everything. i literally coded my own website! i chose the design, the colors, the pictures, the layout!! i feel like my tumblr platform is a lot more specialized—it feels unique to me and only me. plus,,, as a hoe for organizing, i'm able to organize everything any way i want it to be! idk about you but that shit excites me a LOT

—i read more on tumblr

i've been reading more on tumblr since two years ago, actually. the only time i spent on wattpad was to read comments, respond to messages and post updates. i felt like it was time to migrate over to the platform i used more. i also accumulated a big ass list of authors i really love on tumblr! i'll show you how to find that list, later

—tumblr has a better built-in communication program

by that, i mean that it allows you, the readers, to ask questions to the authors! there's a wonderful system called asks. more about that later

—tumblr is twitter & wattpad's child

okay though i'll be posting a lot of writing on tumblr, tumblr's literally not just for writing. you can post graphics, art, videos, audio AND FUCKING MORE. it's a great way to socialize and meet new friends based on your specific interests

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