01 | Post 7 Days

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December 13th
post 7 days, 1 week, 0.23 month, 0.019 year

park jimin: I found the drafts. If you want them back, take them.
[Delivered, 6:32 PM]

you: wdym? what drafts?
[Delivered, 8:43 PM]

park jimin: The eight drafts of my 32nd birthday letter?

you: fuck. sorry i forgot about that
you: did u read them
[Delivered, 8:58 PM]

park jimin: Of course I did. Didn't know you were going to confess you cheated on my birthday

you: oh. yeah i was thinking of it but i couldn't break that to u on a special day like that. that's y they didn't make it into the final draft
you: whatever. u can keep them

park jimin: K
[Delivered, 9:00 PM]

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