Chapter 28: Serian

Start from the beginning

It was like the universe was willing to serve him hand and foot while shitting on the rest of them.

Holy shit, if Nazareth didn't kill him, Lione might!

Lione had been silent about his brother's recent changes. The rest of their friends had tried to pry, but he was being stubbornly tight-lipped.

It was natural for all of them to worry. Nazareth was a dangerous individual and Lione was his favorite victim. If there were tricks being played, they all had to be on guard.

Generally, Lione usually steered clear of any topic relating to his brother, but with all the gossip going around, everyone would have to be blind not to see how he and Nazareth were becoming more amicable to each other.


A sharp voice broke Serian from his thoughts.

Nazareth had his brows scrunched together ever so delicately as he moved closer. It reminded Serian of Lione. His friend also made the same expression whenever Serian zoned out.

"Huh?" Serian answered like a dumb peasant.

He was the Crown Prince, goddammit! Where did his manners go?!

But Nazareth didn't look offended by his less than stellar response.

In fact, he looked calm, if a little confused.

Was it because Lione wasn't with him?

"You have a leaf on your head," Nazareth pointed out.

Serian's carefully styled hair was ruined in seconds as his hand scrambled around for the god-forsaken foliage.


Gods, he was an embarrassment!

A pale hand shot out and plucked the damned leaf from the back of his head. Serian looked up.

T-too close!

The gods were unfair to make the bane of Lione's life as beautiful as this.

Raven hair curled around the pale face of Nazareth and almost tickled Serian's nose if he had leaned closer. From this distance, he could see the delicate lashes around Nazareth's eyes, the faint shadows lining the bottom of his eyes, and the pale pink lips tilted upwards slightly with a hint of fading amusement.

Serian had never paid much attention to Nazareth's appearance before. The last time he had observed him this closely was nearly three years ago—back when he and Lione were still in their first year of Junior High.

A group of shady-looking people had caught them unaware at their weekly luncheon and chased them through town. Unsurprisingly, his guards went missing and the shady-looking people disappeared after he and Aurelion hid inside a clothing shop. No evidence was traced back to Nazareth's involvement, but Serian had watched him for weeks after the incident.

He hadn't been paying attention to Nazareth's appearance—not that he could really see anything with all that hair—more so, it was the look of pure satisfaction and cruel amusement on the other's face that sent chills down Serian's spine.

That dreadful day was a mere warning—to all of them. Nazareth had every intention to make the game he and Lione played even more difficult now that Lione was a Junior student.

Serian couldn't imagine what would be more challenging than the "accidental" poisoning attempts Lione had often spoken about to him in secret.

Lione had the habit of boasting his successes whenever he was able to avoid being poisoned... by his own older brother.

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