Chapter eight

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Killian's POV

Lunch ended and I was at my locker to grab a notebook I had forgotten. I had already made the arrangements with Kelsey for the apartment. I planned to tell Carson later when he met me at the truck. The bell rang over my head and I realized I was late for my class. I shut my locker after I had the notebook in hand and put it in my bag as I walked.

"Now!" a familiar voice called out and I was seized by both of my arms. The familiar sting in my neck told me they had injected me with something. Soon enough, my body was numb and immobile. They shoved into an empty classroom where others were waiting. There was both Stacy and Frank Fulkturt in all their disgusting glory. Lee and his friends were the ones who caught and drugged me. There was also one other person that I had never seen before. He was a tall male with white hair and red blood-red eyes. His skin was pale and ashy.

I was dropped to the floor in front of the albino male and he smiled at me with an aura so evil I could taste it. He bent down on one knee and grabbed a fist full of my hair. If I could have moved or spoken, I would have cringed away from the pain and gagged at the rank smell coming from his mouth.

"So, this is him?" the creep asked and I heard one of the others answer with a 'yes'. He nodded and set his red eyes back on me. I inwardly shied away from him as he bent down. His hand riffled through my hair as he looked at me.

"Well, you know what you need to do. Get to it," he ordered and the others jumped into action moving around me.

"We will take care of this, Shaw. You don't need to worry about a thing." Frank called out to the albino male as he walked out the door to the class.

"You'd best hope so. This is your last chance and if you don't come through it will be hell for you." Shaw responded in a deadly calm voice with a smile on his face. I internally rolled my eyes knowing that I could have taken him if they had not drugged me.

"Yes Sir..." Stacy answered with fear in her eyes. Shaw walked out of the room without looking back and the others worked me over. I was hit all over my body and there was no way to heal myself. I had no contact with my guides and was cut off from my magic. I didn't panic until they stripped me of all of my clothes. It didn't take long for me to realize what they were going to do to me, again.

I felt the tears build up in my eyes as they spread my legs. I felt them fall as someone shoved into me. I tasted the saltiness as they took turns with me. It felt like hours they had me spread out for their pleasure. I wanted to die but that was not in the plans as they pushed me onto my back.

"Are you fucking defective, or something? Why do you Never fucking cum?" Stacy yelled as she kicked me in the stomach. I groaned as I felt the pain spread through me. It shocked me that it was out loud. Everyone in the room froze with their eyes on me as I wiggled my fingers.

"Why is it wearing off so quickly? It never lasted less than a few hours before?" Frank asked and his wife answered, though, I have no idea what she said. I was too focused on my magic. I could feel it but was still unsure of how to use it.

I looked around the room and noticed that I was alone with Frank. He brandished another needle but this one did not have the familiar blue liquid. This one was yellow and looked like it was thicker. My internal panic must have been clear as day because he let out a laugh I could only classify as evil. He plunged the needle into my arm and instead of the numbness I normally felt, it was like there was ice being poured into my veins. I released a strangled scream before it was cut off by his hand over my mouth. He called the others back in and I was used over and over again with new waves of pain and tears.

It was dark outside by the time they finally left me to die. Once again, I wished that I would finally just leave this world behind. They had what little I had left and shoved it down my throat to metaphorically choke on. Tears once more made the trek down my cheeks as I wondered about having a mate. If I did have one, I pitied them for having such a disgusting and used pairing such as I. I prayed to the other Gods and Goddesses that they are given someone more worth their time.

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