"With ignorant mindsets," Pope added.

"He was putting on an act." JJ shrugged. "Everybody knows you washed up on JB's land. He would have known you were here with us."

Harley couldn't make an excuse. Other than Topper's group, they were the only group inside at the moment.

John B continued to explain to Harley. "It's just the law of the land. You'll find out and experience it first hand if you end up staying here."

Kiara rested her chin on her hand and had a sip of her milkshake. "You guys make it sound like some gang movie. It's not that bad, Harley."

"If you say 'no' to any of JJ's suggestions before he finishes and carefully think through John B's plans before putting them into action. . . You'll hopefully make it to eighteen."

Harley's light laugh floated around, although in the back of her mind she couldn't tell if Pope was being serious or not. Kiara joined her laughter, the two girls giggling at John B and JJ's expense.

"My plans are pretty fool proof."

"And my suggestions take you down a path of enlightenment."

"Enlightenment? That's what you're calling it." Kiara raised an eyebrow.

"Yes. Enlightening you to a path of fun and adrenaline."

"You mean chaos and danger?" Kiara smiled.

"Those sound like synonyms to me." JJ perked up.

"Shut up, JJ," John B laughed.

Harley observed the group listening and laughing at their banter. She sipped slowly on the strawberry milkshake taking the time to familiarise herself with the taste. Something told her that strawberry may have been her favourite flavour.

Harley's mind conjured up an image of a blue room. She pictured herself, exactly as she was now, sat at a table with blurred and distorted figures. It was like watching abstract art smear and move along a canvas. Just shapes and colours with no clear features scrambling in Harley's head. The incongruous and mystifying scene caused throbbing pain and a headache.

John B noticed Harley's spaced out gaze. It was similar to the look she had whilst laying in his bath. A lot like the way cats stared intently at nothing with large, sinistrous eyes.

There had been a cute, black kitten with green eyes that had stopped in front of John B and just stared through him before dashing off. The kitten then used to turn up around John B's home to be fed and petted regularly. Harley reminded him of that same kitten. Unfortunately, the fluffy creature had wound up dead by the side of the shack.

Harley's milkshake began to slip through her hands. John B reached over and stopped it making the daydreaming girl snap out of her daze. She gasped and flinched quickly looking at the glass John B rested on the table and then to him.

"Woah, careful."

Harley realised what had almost happened and started apologising, especially to Kiara; the thought of being a nuisance put Harley further on edge. "I'm sorry. I am so sorry. I didn't mean to almost drop that."

Kiara waved off the apology as if she were being silly. JJ scrunched up his brows slightly perplexed at why Harley would apologise so much for something that hadn't even happened.

"It's fine. You didn't drop anything." John B tried to ease the tense girl, but it didn't work.

Harley suddenly felt overwhelmed and trapped. She shot up surprising the group. "I need some air. I'll be back in a minute."

CASTAWAY ⚓ R.C, J.MWhere stories live. Discover now