8: A chance to escape

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Bilhah turned over in her bed and tried to go back to sleep.


The sound was sharp, and close by. Like a branch blowing against the window, but harder. It was too dark to see much, and Bilhah didn't dare get up to investigate.


A rustling sound came from the bed next to her. In the darkness Bilhah saw the outline of a girl kneel up in bed and reach for the curtain. Moonlight brightened the room before Bilhah could whisper at her to stop.

"What is it?" the other Ibseth girl asked, sliding her feet out from the covers and joining her friend on the middle bed. Bilhah's curiosity got the better of her. Quickly checking there was no sign of movement from Holy Mother's bed, she sat up too.

"It's the son. He's throwing stones at our window," whispered the first girl.

"What does he want?"

"I don't know, let's find out."

Bilhah craned across to peer out of the window. The boy was standing below, next to a ladder. He gestured at them to open the window. The Ibseth girls were trying to do just that, but it was locked tight. The boy was pointing upwards then making a twisting motion with his hand.

"What's he trying to tell us?" said the second girl. The first continued her fight with the lock, shrugging her shoulders.

Bilhah felt her unease grow. "Don't. Just ignore him. He won't bring us any good."

"Go back to sleep then if you want to be a good girl for the Goddess," hissed the second girl.

Bilhah glanced across at Holy Mother's bed to check she remained safely asleep.

"Don't wake her, please. We'll all get in trouble," begged the first girl.

"I wasn't going to," Bilhah snapped. Against her better judgement, she stood up on the bed and felt along the top of the window frame, finding the small object hidden there. "Here. He was trying to tell us where he hid the key." She handed it over. The lock was quickly undone and the window slid open. Bilhah's stomach twisted in fear. Why had she done that? Was it so important for these girls to like her that she'd risk her future to please them? She sat down quietly on her bed, praying Holy Mother wouldn't wake.

A scrabbling noise against the outside wall was followed by the boy's face appearing at the sill.

"What do you want?" whispered the first girl nervously.

"I can help you escape. Get your things and come with me."

"What makes you think we want to escape?" questioned the second girl. Bilhah shrank herself backwards against the wall, far from the window and the boy outside it. The pane was wide open and he could easily climb in if he wanted to. What had she done?

"I know what they do with you. What they'll make you do, after they sell you. You don't have to go with them. I can help you escape."

The girls stayed silent, not daring to move. Bilhah realised there was no way they could shut the window without getting near him. Surely he wouldn't try to grab one of them, would he?

The boy continued. "You came in from the East. You're from Ibseth, right? Don't you want to go home to your families? Come with me or you'll be sold in Thaleen and never see them again. I can take you home."

All three considered his words suspiciously. The girl in the middle shook her head at the other, laying a hand on her arm, but she spoke anyway.

"You're just a boy. How could you get us back to Ibseth?

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