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"*chuckles* I inherited my color eyes from my mom Cutie. She lives in Korea with my stepdad. What about you? Where did you inherit your color eyes from?" he asked still looking at me with pleasure and adoration.

"U-um, I didn't inherit my color eyes from anyone. I was just....... you know, born with creepy eyes."

"Well, I don't think they're creepy. I think they're unique. I mean like, that's what makes you stand out of the crowd. While everyone has blue, brown, black....... you have one of THE rarest eye colors. And that's great."

"Well, thank you for telling me that. I wish everyone can see me as the way you do," I said quietly.

"Sexy and cute?"

"No dummy. The way I stand out of the crowd. All my life everyone has ignored me blocked me out of their life and taunt//mock me. So growing up I blocked everyone out and right now I kinda tiny bit regret that even though people do the same as before," I said sadly.

"Wow, your history is bad. But the future is always there. Now let me just go grab lunch we can talk more about that later, I'm hungry. What do you want?"

"Um, I don't know. Probably some garden salad with shredded cheese and a bottle of coke. Right now I just feel like eating mother earth because I'm hungry but I gotta take it lightly."

"Well, whatever you say cutie*whoosh*"

And he was gone again. Ahhh~ I'm finally left with peace and quietness. Wait! Hold on! I can't believe I'm just realizing this. I'm seeing clearly without my glasses. No way! This is a dream come true! I always wanted to see without them but now I'm missing them. I wonder where they are. And I wonder what kind of powers I have? I looked at my hand.......... wondering if I should try to see what powers I have. Nah! I'm not going to see. Next thing my powers could create a tornado that can't be controlled? or it could rain puppies from heaven? Ahhh~ Now I might die happy. Puppies are my life......

And you never had one? Silly you.*chuckles*

*grumbles* Way to ruin my fantasizing Vi.

"Ok, I'm back," Zelan said speeding in.

He sat on the sofa next to me and laid everything on the center table in front of us. I took what I asked for and started chomping down on my veggies. *chomp* *chomp* Oh holy shit. Those veggies taste really good with those pieces of cheese in it. I was satisfied. I finished in within 5 minutes and gobbled down my coke in a flash!

"Wow! You ate faster than I did and I'm the speedster here."

I chuckled at his statement and took one of him fried potato chips and popped it into my mouth.

"Hey, not fair," he whined.

Then he used his speed and finished it in a second.

"There. Now you can't thief my fries."

"Aw. You're no fun," I said pouting.

He chuckled and said," Cutie, you look cute when you pout."

"Nah, I'm not cute. I'm just an ugly black girl who's too self-absorbed."

"I always thought of myself like that. I have no friends and every day I go out in the street there's some random girl asking for my number. That's really weird. You can't just like someone for their looks you have to love them for their heart."

"Dude? Are you a love dictionary?" I asked punching him lightly on the shoulder, joking around.

"Haha. You think I am?"

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