More Questions Than Answers

Start from the beginning

"Nah, I'd rather kick yours ass in training instead."

"Ha! As if" Bakugou said before closing is door with a thud.

Todoroki instantly dropped his act, his anxiety from moments ago coming to the surface. He felt so cold, so unbelievably cold. His breath was frosty,  looking like smoke before disappearing in the heated air. His breathing was so rapid, he felt light head. Because Bakugou had been all to close to realizing was he was hiding. 

It's like your scared of people caring about you

That's what Bakugou had said, more of a provocative remark rather than him expose if Todoroki's lies. But it had been the most dead on thing he had said. It was one hundred percent true, and he wondered if Bakugou knew it. It had only been a five minute conversation at most, and he had almost read todoroki like a book. He would have to distance himself even more, be even more careful, trace his steps even more carefully. Make sure that even if someone was starting at him there was no trace of illness. Of weakness. 

He tried his best to calm himself down, taking deep breaths. But he still felt so cold. His eyes where getting droopy, and he just wanted to sleep and forget about this horrible day for a few hours. He went to crawl into his futon, but not before staring at his classmates outside once again. It seemed like even more of them had joined in the snow day, only not seeing Bakugou out on the scene. Though he probably would soon.

Todoroki just flopped down on his futon, wondering how the hell he was gonna get Bakugou off his ass.

Bakugou was walking back to his dorm room, playing to put on much warmer clothes before destroying his classmates with snow. But he couldn't shake the feeling that todoroki was blatantly lying to him. And again, he knew it wasn't his business. Hell, he barely knew anything about the guy besides his combat skills, witty remarks, and his rather blunt attitude. But he knew todoroki was strong. Strong as fuck, powerful enough to go toe to toe with him. Powerful enough to beat Bakugou if he wasn't careful. So why was he scared? What in gods name did Todoroki have to be scared of? Was he even scared of anything? Was Bakugou just overly paranoid? 

He had gone into Todoroki's room for now explication. But it was as if every answer todoroki had given him lead to two more questions. But one questioned loomed larger in his he than any others.

What was frighting enough to make Todoroki Shouto, the number two hero's son and rising hero himself, scared shirtless like that? 

And Bakugou wasn't sure if he really wanted that answer.


Todoroki woke up a few hours later, his head pounding. He placed a hand to his temple rubbing it softly as he slowly opened his eyes, adjusting to the bright light from the window. It was sunset, the snowstorm long past. Todoroki was rather uncomfortable, having fallen asleep in jeans and turtleneck. He got up slowly, still groggy, changing into a simple red hoodie and black sweatpants. Honestly it was already late, and he didn't really feel like eating anything. He just wanted to crawl back into bed. He really should be working on his case though. Looking at the crappy pictures with blurry eyes, he almost walked away from them when something in the picture caught his eye. An extremely thin white line, almost impossibly thin. However he rubbed his eyes, making sure he wasn't seeing things. He opened his eyes again, but he couldn't find that white streak. Now he was wide awake, the possibly of having found something overriding any tiredness he had previously had.  But he couldn't find it, he sat there for a solid ten minutes, scanning over the same photo, but it had almost disappeared. He even held the picture up to his feeling light, hoping it would reveal something to him. 

But he found nothing

Sighing, he wondered if he was losing it, frustration driving him to create things in his mind. He went to close his blinds, blocking most of the singling coming in his room. There was still some light from the cracks but there wasn't much he could do about that. He turned off his light, his room becoming very dark. He turned to his photos, which he could barely see, feeling defeated. 

In Sickness and Health: Todobaku StoryWhere stories live. Discover now