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"Hey man, I'm surprised you allowed Felix to come. I thought he was on punishment?"

"Well his birthday is coming up so I thought I'd be nice and remove his punishments sooner...I think he learned his lesson"

Changbin and Chan were sitting on the beach chatting, Changbin had rented out a beach house for him and Hyunjin to enjoy the weekend since it was Mid-June. Hyunjin wanted to invite Felix, so the younger begged Chan to let him go.

Chan agreed since it's been a while they went on a trip. The beach house was large enough with extra rooms, so it worked out perfectly for everyone.

The two of them watched the hybrids play in the sand, building sand castles. Periodically, Hyunjin would run in the water to play, but Felix kept his shirt on saying it was ok.

"Lixie, come on! I can teach you to swim!"

"Hush Jinnie! No one knows but you that I can't...not even Channie..."

Hyunjin came out the water to approach Felix, all the boy did was have his feet in the water. That was it.

"Um...well...Changbin knows..."

"What?! Jinnie what the hell?! I told you not to tell anyone!" Felix smacked his arm.

"Ow! I didn't mean to...we were talking about the pool a while back...and it accidentally slipped..."

"You dummy! I can't tell you secrets anymore!"

Since Chan had brought Felix to the beach to play in the water, he was excited to see the ocean and sand. But was also worried because he couldn't swim, he never learned or at least couldn't remember to because of the coma he was in.

He never told Chan because he was embarrassed, so he only told Hyunjin once before.

"I said I was sorry! Oh but guess what! They have the rock cliff you can see the entire sunset and ocean from above! I'll show you to make it up to you!"

"Really?! Hmm... ok! I forgive you!" He giggled.

"Yay! Ok, let's go tell Chan and Changbin and we can go! The sun is setting so it won't be too long!"


The two hybrids ran off to find their owners, approaching Chan as he was sitting on a beach chair checking his phone.

"Hey Channie!"

Chan lifted his head to look at them.

"Hi kitten, hi Hyunjin. You two having fun?" He smiled.

"Yup! Is Changbin here?" Hyunjin asked.

"Oh, he went to the beach house to use the bathroom, he'll be right back"

"Oh, ok! Chan, I wanna show Felix this pretty spot where he can see the entire ocean and sunset, can I? It's not far!"

"Please Channie! Pretty please!"

Chan bit the inside of his cheek thinking for a moment.

At least he's been behaving better...

"Ok, you two can go. But be careful and be back within soon for us to eat later" he smiled to them.

"Yay! Thank you Channie! Let's go Jinnie!"

Hyunjin meowed as he took Felix's hand in his running off in the other direction. Chan laughed to himself as he watched them run off, going back to checking his phone.

He was looking at birthday gifts for Felix, trying to think of something special for his birthday that's coming up in another month.

About 10 minutes went by before Changbin came back.

"I'm back"


"Wait, where are Felix and Hyunjin?" Changbin looked all around the beach.

"Hm? Oh, Hyunjin said he wanted to show Felix some spot where he could see the sunset"

"Oh...is that really a good idea?"

Chan looked up to him.

"What do you mean? Hasn't Hyunjin been there before?"

"I mean he has. I'm the one who showed it to him, but's on a cliff that's pretty high up. And Felix can't swim, so..."

Chan stood up eyes widening with worry.


"Felix, he can't swim. He told Hyunjin a long time ago, and so then he told me. I thought you knew...?"

Chan felt panic set in as his breathing became uneven. Chan in no way knew, they were only at the beach once, but Felix didn't want to go in the water. He thought nothing of it, but now considering how clumsy the hybrid is, he's scared he would fall.

"Changbin take me to them, hurry!"

"What?? Alright..."

Changbin started running, Chan following him.

Why didn't he ever tell me...why?!

"This place is so pretty Jinnie! I can see the ocean and the sunset just like you said!"

"Told ya!"

The two were standing and admiring the sunset, taking in the ocean breeze.

"Changbin showed me here once, so we come here every time"

"It's really nice-"

"Excuse you, this is our spot"

Felix and Hyunjin turned around to see two other hybrids standing behind them.


"I said this is our spot, so beat it" one of them said rudely.

Hyunjin and Felix immediately started growling from the bad energy the other two gave off.

"You don't own the beach, so no it's not yours. We were here first, so you can leave" Hyunjin scoffed.

Felix was a bit nervous, he hadn't confronted anyone in a while.

"I think not, you and your ugly ass friend with that messed up eye can leave" the other hybrid threatened.

"What the hell did you just call him?!" Hyunjin walked up to him, inches apart.

"You heard me! Now get out of my face!" The hybrid shoved Hyunjin on the ground.

That shifted something in Felix making him angry.

"Don't you touch him!"

Felix lunged to shove him back, only for the hybrid to grab him by the neck since he was taller and stronger.

"Big mistake blue eye" he scoffed.

"Chan! There they are!"

Changbin yelled as he pointed and saw 4 figures on the cliff, looking closer he realized what was taking place.


Chan sprinted as he ran ahead of him, running up the cliff. The two made it, Chan's mouth dropping as he watched what happened in seconds.

A hybrid was holding Felix by the neck, throwing him over the cliff into the ocean.

Hyunjin got up quickly yelling for him.


There was a gush of wind next to him as Chan ran past him and the other hybrids, jumping off to cliff after the boy.


Neko Afterstory: Vanilla LoveWhere stories live. Discover now