"I get that"

Mr. Dickerson shook his head "No I don't think you do. You have two months till graduation" he placed a file on his table "This right here holds your documents, your grades" he gave a grim smile "You know... your progress. Your grades are slipping"

"I'm not here to talk about my grades" Daniel was on edge "What are you saying?"

"In order for you to graduate with the rest of your class and your supposedly" he did an air quote "Your band members, your crew then get your act together before all grades are closed" he gave Daniel a glare "because I promise you if you don't get your act together you can kiss your sweet music career goodbye" he said leaning towards Daniel and that's when he saw it.

Mr. Dickerson eyes... it went yellow.


Daniel was now sitting idly in a classroom with DETENTION written clear as day and a small petite teacher walking in.


"READ A BOOK" she blared. Daniel looked around. Who exactly was he supposed to talk to? The wall???

"Are teachers this dense?" he opened his lyric book once more and his mind stumbled upon the principal. Was he seeing things? Was the school principal a supernatural? Was he a vampire? Shit

The clicking of a heel walked into the room "Kaylen you're late"


She walked up to Daniel's desk and placed a kiss on his lips "Don't look so shock, a girl has got to graduate" she sat beside him. "What the hell are you doing here?" he whispered "Why aren't you in New Orleans?"

She smiled "Relax" she said with ease "The girls and I are under control our secret is safe, no one is going to talk after all we have a right to graduate with the class as well" she whispered "We may be supernatural love" she kissed him again on the lips. Her breathe reeked of blood "but we have every right to graduate with the class" she looked down at her finger "We have daylight rings" she shrugged "at least me and Emily do" she eased out of her seat and looked at Daniel once more "By the way might want to lay it down on Jack easily, Hannah is going to break up with him" she walked out.

Daniel couldn't believe his eyes "Fuck" he muttered under his breathe "fuck"

Corbyn was slammed against a locker further down the hall "I'm not done with you" Corbyn's eyes turned yellow and so did hers. "What happened then cannot happen again" she scoffed "Daniel means nothing to me, your boy" she paused "He's down the hall"

"I know where he is"

"Good" she smirked tugging at his zipper "Then you wouldn't mind...."

"Corbyn?"  It was Zach. "What are you doing?"

"Nothing. Let's go"

She was gone.

~Mystic Falls~

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~Mystic Falls~

Daniel looked around the room. Corbyn Besson, Jonah Marais sipping at a blood bank, Zach Herron, Jack Avery, Stefan Salvatore, Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Klaus Mikaelson, Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson

"On with it" grunted Klaus "I need a chat with my dear sister" Damon grinned "You could've have done that before you got over here hot shot? or was Caroline distracting you" Elena pinched him. "Owwww" he winced "What did you do that for?" Stefan rolled his eyes and ignored him. Damon was now looking at Kohl "Since when does an unwanted Mikaelson get to attend a supernatural meeting, what has he ever done that's trustworthy"

Corbyn jabbed Zach and looked Jack "Tons shit load of drama"

Daniel looked at everyone and sensed the tension between the Mikaelsons and Salvatores "I called you here because we're not the only supernatural beings to exist" he looked around "there's more and we have to get rid of him before he exposes us"

Damon looked at him confused "What are you talking about kid?"

The boys looked at him confused. "I swear I thought I was seeing things but I wasn't. I was talking to the principal in his office and he got into shit about my music career and he changed"

"No fucking way" blurted out Jack and Corbyn at once

"HEYYYY!!!" yelled Damon "Pipe it down, you are kids!"

"What do you mean changed?" asked Elijah

"His eyes..." stuttered Daniel "his eyes...."

"OUT WITH IT LAD" yelled Klaus

"His eyes turned yellow"

Zach stared at Daniel "Which makes him"

Damon clenched his fists "A fresh omega"

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