"Ah, thanks, Daniel. You look nice too. How's Stella?"

Daniel's face darkened slightly and he didn't answer as he started the car, "I got home and Charlie was in my bed with someone else. I kicked him out, left his things on the porch, and got ready. I found Stella in her cage. I never put her in there and I can't believe he did,"

"I'm sor—"

"Don't apologize. This is my fault. I'm the idiot who let him back into my life. Anyway, enough of that. He's gone and if he comes back, that's what restraining orders are for. Today, I want to be able to relax and enjoy quality time with my parents,"

"I don't think I've ever heard someone actually say they enjoy their parent's company. Except for Zade, but his family lives in Missouri, so he never gets to see them,"

Daniel nodded and I noticed his grip on the steering wheel loosened a little. He turned up the radio slightly and took a deep breath. We were silent for most of the car ride, save for the radio.

When we arrived, I turned towards Daniel, "Would you mind braiding my hair? It's just too hot to leave it down," Daniel nodded and I gave him the hair tie. Just like last time, he was gentle. Using his fingers to untangle it, he quickly braided my hair.

"Come on. Don't wanna be late," As we walked in, Daniel looked around for a minute before he broke into a grin. He pulled me towards a table in the back.

His parents, Greg and Edna, were waving and grinning until they noticed me and their faces went slack slightly.

"Danny, you didn't tell me you were dating Quinn,"

I noticed Daniel tense slightly at his mother's use of Danny. That nickname would probably be forever ruined because of Charlie, "Well, you didn't give me much of a chance, now did you? And we're just friends, Mom," Daniel pulled out a chair and gestured for me to sit down. Edna's eyebrow shot up and she gave me a small smile.

"Hello, dear. How've you been?"

"I've been good. How have you been, Mrs. Knight?"

"Please, call me Edna. I told you that before, especially since you and Daniel are friends. I've been very well, thank you for asking. Would be better if Daniel called me more often,"

Daniel rolled his eyes and picked up the menu, avoiding his mother's look. I laughed and he shot me a look similar to Edna's.

"So, what's your big news?"

Edna and Greg beamed, "Your father won the company lottery and we get to have our thirty-fifth anniversary on a cruise around the Bahamas. You know that Turks and Caicos is on my bucket list and I finally get to go,"

"That's amazing. Congratulations, guys," I said and Edna patted my hand.

"Yes, agreed. Congrats Dad. I know you've been wanting to win that for a few years now," Daniel said and I could see the interest and enthusiasm on his face the entire time Edna talked about what they were going to be doing on the cruise.


We spent the rest of lunch talking and laughing. It was the most I had laughed in weeks. When we said our goodbyes, Edna made Daniel promise to bring me over more often and I swear, Daniel actually blushed.

On the way home, Daniel stopped for ice cream. We sat inside at a small booth, a silence washing over us as we ate our ice cream.

I set my spoon down, feeling full and Daniel reached for my hand, "Thanks for coming to lunch, Quinn. I think my mom appreciated seeing you again. You guys get along pretty well,"

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