Chapter 2: The Gods

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I open my eyes, gasping for air I sit up from the white marble floor I was laying on, and check over my body. I soon realize I am in no pain and unburnt.

"W-where, where am I, did I not die?"

I look around at my surroundings and am surrounded by continuous corridors of white walls. I get up from the floor and walk forward towards the light that is shining at the end.

It feels like a never-ending walk but eventually, I reach the end and am met with a grand hall covered in white with gold detailing, accents, and fixtures.

It is so mesmerizing.


I stop in my tracks and face towards the direction of the angelic voice. Directly in front of me, across the grand hall sits the most captivating humans I had ever laid my eyes upon.

Six of the most angelic figures sat across the grand hall, each sitting in their own chairs in a curved line. Two of the figures that are sitting at the center have their chairs higher than the rest. Which makes me believe they are the ones in charge.

"W-Who are you?"

"Please come closer."

Motioned one of the six figures. She was one of the figures who had an elevated chair than the rest and sat in the center.

The majestic figure was a woman who had black eyes, long black hair, that seemed to reach her legs, and porcelain soft skin that was a slight tint of gray. She wears a black dress with silver decals and accessories, she was total perfection along with the other figures. One look at them and I could tell they were not humans.

"You all are not humans."

"No, my child we are not. We are known by many names, but we are better known as the Gods."

"Y-You all a-are the Gods? My deepest apologies for my impertinence, if I had realized sooner..."

"Please, calm yourself, it is alright."

"Let us introduce ourselves. Starting from your right closest to you..."

"Hello, I am Catrix, Goddess of Earth. Bestower of earth magic, bringer of all living plants and trees. Creator and overseer of herbology, earth-based weather, and all medicines."

I bow to the Goddess of Earth once she is done introducing herself. Like the other figures, the Goddess of Earth is perfection, she has brown shoulder-length hair, light orange eyes, and porcelain soft skin. She wears an orange dress, the color of sunsets on earth, with gold decals and accessories.

The figure next to the Goddess of Earth introduces himself next.

"Hello, I am Orus, God of Fire. Bestower of fire magic. Bringer of flames. Creator and overseer of battle and combat."

I bow to the God of Fire once he is done introducing himself. Although he has an intimidating title, the God of Fire has a gorgeous face. He has short red hair, smooth clear skin, red fiery eyes, and is shirtless exposing his muscular upper body. 

He is wearing red pants that are loose and puffy, they have an intricate gold pattern on them, and he wears gold chain accessories that connect from his neck to his hips. Lastly, he wears a gold head chain that pulls his front hair back and away from his eyes.

The figure who introduces themselves next is not the woman with black hair, who is sitting next to the God of Fire, but the woman sitting to my left who is closest to me.

"Hello, I am Iana, Goddess of Water. Bestower of water magic. Bringer of rain and all bodies of water. Creator and overseer of agriculture and water-based weather."

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