Gabby looked at herself as she undressed. Seeing her chest fall. She stared her body pure. The pale skin soft to the touch. Her body small and frail. "God why am i ugly..?"

Gabby hated how she looked. She could easily get any man to love her. For her looks. She'd be 5'8 fully grown but currently she was 5'4. Her chest was a c cup. But dear lord she'd be a double d by the time she's fully grown.

The thing that struck her with confusion was her light silver hair and ruby eyes. She kept the mess in a braid that fell down her back. Her eye lashes shorter then wanted.

Though no one ever commented on her skin, hair, or eyes she was constantly looking at them. 'They make you look like a demon.' Said a voice in the Prussians head.

Gabby shook her head and undid the mess she called hair. A button up long shirt was put over her exposed body. Then jumped into the fluffy bed wrapping the blankets around her.

1768- Who are you?

Though Gabriella would never admit it. She adored looking at herself in men's clothes. She wore them for work. Being a general was hard. Not to mention she was just told that she would be taking care of her new little brother.

She didn't care if her brother picked on her. She just wanted to raise the boy to be great.

She woke up and wrapped her chest in bandages binding her chest. She liked how she looked and how she was referred to as a man.

Gabby put her pants on tucking her shirt in then looked in the mirror. 'If I didn't have the hair..I'd look like a man..'

Gabriella felt her heart jump from that thought. She was scared of that. She was scared to lose her friends.

The Prussian general walked out and looked around. The sun was slowly rising and she was going to see it. It made her happy.

"New day comes when the sun rises in the east." She stated.

"That it does." The new voice said causing Gabby to jump in her head. But her body showed no physical sign of her being scared.

"who are you soldier?"

The man stepped forward his wheat blond hair falling slightly to his shoulders. But most peculiar was a curl that stuck out and fell beside his face.

The mans skin was light. Once the Prussian looked up to the mans eyes her gaze stayed there. They were purple...

"My name sir is Matthew Williams.."

"Gabriella Beilschmidt."

1786- The kings end..

It sucks when a beloved kings reign ends. Gabriella wasn't having it either. Though her and Matthew had gotten closer, she was considered a slut..a female in a male only army. Gabriella could out drink anyone. Except Matthew and Old man Fritz. Why could she not out drink Matthew it confused her.

Before fritz left Gabriella talked to him alone.

"Sir you asked for me?"

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