My regrets. RussiaxReader

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(first time writing this kinda thing sooo)

(Y/h)= your height
(Y/n)= your name
(E/c) = eye color
(S/c) =skin color
(Y/c)= your country
(H/c)= hair color
(B/s) =Body size. Bc I've read some fanfics and it kinda aggravates me it's always a skinny person.
'Who are they?'
This thought kept going through the Russians mind. He was staring at you during a meeting. You were busy with the loud American. You decided to have a face off with who could eat the most burgers and you were currently winning. Ivan smiles and walked over to Ludwig the obvious one in charge. "Who is dat?"

Ludwig looked at Ivan and looked at you. "oh zhat is (Y/c). Zhey're new here." Ivan looked at you. Your (h/c) falling in the perfect place that shows your (e/c) eyes and nose. Not to mention your beautiful and soft looking (S/c). So pure. (Y/h) was perfect for him. But he wanted to know more. More about the beautiful person he saw.

Ivan smiles "I think I'll become one with them" Ludwig looked at the Russian "Vhat?" Ivan chuckles "Nothing..."

~After the meeting~

Ivan ran over to his loud friend. "Amerika helo!" Alfred turned and smiles "What up Dude!" Ivan smiles "Well I wanted to know if you could tell me about (y/c)?"

Alfred smiles happily and jumped. "Oh (Y/n)? Well-" as Alfred told Ivan about (y/c) Ivan was already thinking about your name.

"(Y/n).....? That's a beautiful name. I wonder if they'd like mine?"

When Alfred finished talking about you he noticed the Violet eyed Russian staring off into a day dream. Alfred chuckles and pats Ivan's shoulder "Good luck Dude" was all he said then he ran to.........Canada? Right?

"Yo bro dude can I crash at your place tonight?!"


The American screams in joy running out the room. The Canadian following. Ivan sighs and walked downstairs with his bag before his phone rang.

Ivan smiles and answered "Helo?"
Katyusha smiles on her side and answered her little brother. "Helo brother I wanted to remind you about the family dinner tomorrow..."
Ivan shudders " she coming?" Katyusha sighs "She's your little sister! You have to be nice to her!"

Ivan cries sadly "She scares me!" Katyusha sighs and sighs "you need to be nice I'll try to get her to behave okay?" Ivan sighs "Fine but if she tries to hurt me I'm running....." Katyusha giggles "Sure sure see ya brother!" Ivan nods smiling "bye bye Katyusha!"

Ivan walked downstairs and went to his car before seeing you and smiling. He left to the airport.

Your Pov

Do I regret things?
How many?
A lot..
Because....I feel like I'm not making the right choices. It's so weird. One minute I'm down on myself the next I'm happy go lucky.
But him.
He's one of the few people I regret. I was so annoyed. I looked at him twice and he looked at me the whole time.
It makes me feel weird like, what if I wanted to be invisible?
As I thought this I felt someone else stare at me. Oh it's Matthew. I giggle and walk out the door away from the meeting as it was dismissed.

No ones pov (sorry for it being jumpy)

Ivan didn't follow he didn't want to turn into his sister. He walked to his hotel room. The meeting was in Germany therefore he stayed in a hotel along with everyone else. So he calls the only person he can for help with his weird feelings. Sadly it was Prussia...but he'd work.

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