How you met them- England

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The rain. Peaceful, rhythmic, and calming. To some it was Loud, annoying, and disruptive. Oh but you were in England.

And this was normal.

It was September 24, 1783. You were walking outside with an umbrella. Your clothes were torn from cleaning up your masters house.

You only cleaned to be paid to live in a small dinky house. But you loved feeling the puddles under your feet and hear the rain hit your umbrella.

You walked around England happily. Even if your country just lost a war with the colonies you were happy.

On your walk you saw the fountain, that normally had so many children and people around it when it was sunny, had only a man now.

This was not normal. In the rain people stay inside. But this blond man stayed seated on the side of the fountain.

His clothes looked muddy and it seemed he wanted to be alone.

He was a redcoat. A British man in the army over in the colonies. He has no weapons. And it seems like he's injured.

So I make the bright decision and walk over.

I'm quiet like a mouse due to me being raised on the streets and sneaking into places and stealing things.

I place the umbrella over his head as the rain pours on me.

The man looked up and connected the umbrella to my hand, arm, and finally face. My face was dirty and my clothes and body was being drenched by the rain.

"Oh love you don't have to do that." He says pain in his voice. I smile at him and nod. "I believe I do sir you fought for our country. It's the best I can do for you." I then notice the blood seeping through on his shirt and coat. "Your bleeding sir"

He looked down and nods "I know miss it's just torn stitches." I shake my head and help him up. "To my house."

He looked at me confused.

I smile holding the umbrella above us. "I'll fix you up before you go home." He nods and let's me take him to my small home, where I fix his wound and he tells me his story.

(It was 369 but then I spoke more sorry about this being late 384 words!)

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