Chapter 4: : A Plan in Motion

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Nora woke up at the crack of dawn carefully making her way to the living space making sure she doesn't disturb her Ghost, 'Time to make a plan' She thought as she looked back at her Ghost on the nightstand 'Imma need to tell him to move to the bed next time' She smiled and walked out, she surveyed the living space, It had a little kitchen area with a refrigerator near the door and had a tv console, a 30 inch TV, and a three siter sofa facing the TV.

"Not bad..." she muttered "Okay time to find some sort of pen and paper or something to write on..." She searched the area but to no avail she did find a pen or paper. She then sat on the sofa and sighed.

"Okay that was a waste of time..." She sighed " Alright so... Adam stopped the Hive ritual on the moon... so he must have been the one who found out about it when he... presumably went back to old Russia for his ship parts" She pause and thought for a second "Now that I think about it, his Ghost sounded a lot like Dinklebot... He must be the hero then right?" she looked at the window "The suns up... If I'm right, The next place will be... Venus in the Ishtar region." She stood up and held the robe tight and walked to the window "If I can get there... I can help the Hero out..." she paused and looked back to the room.

"But I don't what to be the hero... also it's possible that sir Lennon-9 must be part of his team so they might be the heroes... but anything can happen" she started to pace around

"Just like how the Vanguards held a little ceremony for the new Guardians, but things are progressing like how the game storyline is." She stopped pacing and closed her eyes "If everything's going as how it was in the game then... I might be able to stop certain things especially later on" she opened her eyes and smiled "Alright! Its settled, I'll be the assistant from the sidelines!" she said in a determined tone putting both her hands on her hips "It's perfect! The heroes' are gonna get the fame and I won't be the center of attraction if I help out."

"Oh! There you are Guardian" Her Ghost emerged from the room

"Ah, Ghost, sorry did I disturb you?"

"No, but I was surprised that you were gone, I mean..."

"Sorry I had some thoughts in my head and I needed sometime alone time to really think about it"

"O-oh I see" Ghost looked at her 'She must miss her Family... or maybe she doesn't want to be a Guardian...' He thought, worry soon filled his thoughts until Nora said something reassuring.

"Yeah, well imma take a shower and put my clothes on, Then we can check the gear we got from sir Cayde" She smiled and walked to the bathroom.

"Right!" Now less worried Ghost hovered towards the sofa and made the gear set that Cayde gave appeared on it, he then waited patiently for his Guardian. A few minutes later Nora came out of the bathroom and patted her clothing as she walked to her Ghost "It's a bit damp but it will do for now." She looked at her Ghost

"Oh yeah, been meaning to ask, how and where did you keep this?" She asked as she pointed to the gear, her Ghost floated to her side and said

"Well, In your Backpack"


"I'm not really sure how to explain it either, we just call it your backpack"

"So... it's like... a different pocket of space where you can store my stuff?"

"More or less"

"...I-, ya know what, never mind." Nora scoffed the thought out of her mind and focused on the armor given by the Hunter Vanguard, under her breath she mumbled that it looks like the gear of the hunter class in game when she first chose what her character would be. A light gray cloak, a light chest plate, dark gray gauntlets, dark blue leg armor, and a helmet.

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