The Battle-The beginning of a Long Night.

Start from the beginning

"Hey what the fuck was that, are you ok kid?" Negan continued to obliterate the oncoming walkers, smashing their heads into pulp, piling up the bodys.

"Yeah, all good now, don't worry about me." You yelled back at him, clenching your teeth as you hacked mercilessly at the walkers infront of you.

"Kinda hard not to when you go all bat shit loopy on me kid."

"Don't call me that."

"Sorry pumpkin-PIE!"

He grunted with the effort as he swung at another Walker that had started to claw hungrily at his face.

It was never ending. Each Walker you slayed seemed to produce another one right behind it. Your arms ached, but you fought to keep them up and continued swinging. The stench of spilt guts and open flesh covered the battlefield, and it was nauseating. You looked over to your right and you could see the others were struggling too, but there wasn't a man down- not yet. Daryl nodded his head at you, never averting his focus from what was in front of him.

"Hey," he was panting, struggling to yell above the noise around him. Poor guy. You didn't think he had had a break since you had found him earlier. But you knew you couldn't afford to lose him- he was a damn good fighter, and seemed to be the only one keeping you all together. "Notice, how you haven't come across a livin' one yet?" Another deft flick of his wrist and a body fell with a heavy thud at his feet. "They're trying to tire us out. Slow us down with the dead so we're less of a threat when it comes to us vs them."

The realisation hit you, and you turned to Negan to give him the news.

"Ah shit." He was coated in blood, his jacket shinier than normal, tinged in a deep red- his crowbar matching. "Sneaky mother fuckers I'll give them that."

Daryl had yelled to the others, receiving nods in response. If any one of you stopped for even for a split second, you knew you would crumble. They knew it too, so carried on in set determination.

You spotted another woman fighting next to Carol, you didn't know her name but you had seen her around before. She wasn't the best in social situations but you didn't blame her. She sported a long, thick mane of hair that made her look like a lion. It suited her- she was fighting like one, that was for sure. Everyone was. She seemed fed up, and jogged a few paces backwards, still facing the walkers but turning her head up towards the roof of the hospital.

"Hey! How about some damn arrows down here to help us out, or are you just gonna sit there on your asses and do squat?!"

You immediately liked her. All the females here were badass.

You had completely forgotten about the archers, and had an idea. You raised your voice as loud as you could, and shouted to the others, "Let's take a step back and catch a small break. Let the arrows do the job and close the gap between them and the entrance." You signalled to the wide open doors behind you.

"Good idea. FALL BACK."

Daryl gave the order and you broke your stance on the walkers, feeling lighter as the weight that was bearing down on you lifted. Negan wound his arm around your waist and you lead eachother in shaky steps back to the others. You were glad for the support and wanted nothing more than to just rest, and collapse in his arms, but you shook the thought quickly away. Thoughts like that would get you killed.

You came together in a small huddle and tried to catch your breath, watching as the shower of arrows rained down on the mass, striking some fateful blows.

You all gasped and struggled to breathe, holding onto one another for support. Gabriel passed round a canister full of water, then gestured to the roof, "This isn't going to last very long. We're gonna have to draw them in soon."

"We can hold off for a bit longer."

Daryl was determined to kill off as many walkers as possible before trapping himself in a building with them. Fair enough. You were on the same page.


Alden warned you all as the walkers approached, unrelenting, and without warning you were back on the front line, butchering anything in your path, feeling empty as Negan's arm left your side.

It was starting to get dark, and you had been fighting for a good couple of hours at least. The arrows had stopped coming seemingly as soon as they had started, only picking off a few extra bodys, otherwise they had just proven useless as they acted as spears sticking out of the enemy. You were dog-tired and struggling to see what was infront of you, almost getting caught off guard on multiple occasions. Negan suddenly appeared at your side, still wielding his deadly crow bar, blood dripping lazily onto the floor that was already coated in red.

"We're gonna have to give this up now." He was drenched in sweat and blood, his hair ruffled and his clothes askew, and you thought you probably didn't look any better. You had become completely detached from your body, unable to feel any pain or substance that had found its way onto you. You nodded slowly, your attempts at attack becoming less coordinated by the minute.

"Yeah, yeah..." Breathless and feeling as if you were about to pass out, you slowly began to back away towards the door, Negan right alongside you. The others began to follow suit, and eventually you all found yourselves outside the open doors of the hospital. You were one of the first to get inside, and you leant back against a cold concrete wall, dropping your katana on the hard floor with a clang, your legs shaking, knees buckling, leaving bloody hand prints sliding down the grey slab. The others stumbled in, exhausted, leaving Daryl and Negan manning the doorway. You noticed the horde was about ten metres out and moving slowly, their attention still drawn to the sorry band of people at the hospital doors. Good. Finally, the two of them were pulled in by Rosita, and the doors were shut with a deafening bang, leaving you all in total darkness.

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