Early Sunsets Over Monroeville

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"But does anyone notice? But does anyone care?"

Lisa stared at Chaeyoung's back. The girl was at the foot of her bed, hunched over the turntable playing a record. Chaeyoung was in one of her late night trips again, randomly turning up at Lisa's doorstep to 'hangout' as if they weren't together earlier.

Tonight she brought four phonograph records, "Cigarettes After Sex and Billie Eilish for you, My Chemical Romance and The 1975 for me." Lisa was astounded, how many times have she heard the entire discography of these artists because of Chaeyoung? But she let in the girl nevertheless.

"But would anything matter, if you're already dead?" the girl sang to her hairbrush microphone, fisting the air passionately.

Lisa smiled. Chaeyoung loved MCR so much, that it 'physically hurts', according to the girl's own words.

"Ya, Lisa!" Chaeyoung turned around to look at her. "This song is so sad, you know?"

"Yeah, I know."

"No really, Lisa." Chaeyoung went on all fours and sat beside Lisa, hairbrush still at hand. "This song is really, really heartbreaking," her eyes rolled back, one hand striking her chest.

Lisa chuckled slightly at her antics. "Chaeyoung-ah, don't give yourself a heart attack, okay?"

But Chaeyoung was not ready to let it go. Lisa watched as the girl tucked her feet under her, meaning she was in it for long lecture. "This song--"

"Was about a person, looking right at their lover's face just before they kill them." Lisa finished the sentence for her.

Chaeyoung's eyes widened in surprise, "That's exactly what I was gonna say!"

Lisa clucked her tongue, her chest swelling with pride. "I know exactly what goes on in your mind, Chaeyoung-ah. And besides I've been listening to MCR since forever."

"Since when?"

"Since you came."

They stared at each other for a split second, before breaking down into fits of laughter.

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