~ Mistake ~

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Before you read this can we just have a moment of silence for corey L ( not sure how to spell last name ) he will be missed by all 💗

( warning: sad abusive and harsh words)

Jakes POV

Is it weird I'm scared of losing colby? Because any time he's with anyone else I feel a weird  feeling....

I woke up in an empty bed again but instead of it being Colby's room it was my room? Strange. I climb out of bed, put clothes on and went down stairs, we were having a a party tonight so it was hopefully going to be Fun.

Everyone was downstairs sitting and chatting when they all saw me they went quiet...

"Hey guys!" I said confused,

"Hey jake!" Sam said , everyone just went back to doing there own thing but a bit more akwardly. Somethings definitely up.
Turns out they had bought all the party stuff and drinks and food, Devyn and Kat approached me and dragged me up stairs saying nothing.

We went into coreys  room, Tara was there waiting,

"Jake as you know tonight there gonna be a party," Devyn stated.

"And there's gonna be a lot of people, sooooooo we're gonna make you pretty!"Kat exclaimed laughing,

oh no.

~ hours later,

Devyn was doing everyone's make up and had finished we all looked amazing! Except the makeup was annoying my face, they got there outfits laid out on the bed, they put out shorts with a diamond belt and a crop top....

"Guys I'm not James Charles!"I giggled, they laughed and gave me two options, that or a tie and pants and a Kansas top. Don't ask what a Kansas top  is...

I chose the James Charlie's looking  thing and wore it, wasn't  the best choice!

We came down stairs while people started coming in. I went to find colby but couldn't see him anywhere, I went to check his room, nothing.

~ time skip ~

The house was pretty full now and still no signs of colby and everyone was still akward around me! It wasn't a nice feeling, I needed air so I went to mine and Colby's tree out the front, I opened the door and walked out I saw two guys kissing near the tree. Great. I went closer to realise who it was....


"Colby?" I asked confusion filling my brain,

"Shit....uh h-hi Jake," he said shocked, he looked drunk.

My eyes were watering so I ran inside and to my room I heard him calling my name but I didn't look back once, I slammed the door shut and cried into my pillow,

"Jake open the god damn door!" Colby banged on the door, I didn't move,

He somehow got it open and grabbed my arm harshly,

"What's wrong with you why the fuck are you crying you baby!" He spat at my face,

"Ugh should have never gotten with a worthless fag like you, this whole thing was a mistake!" He threw my onto the ground my face full of tears,

Anyone got idea of were this might go ✌️

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