Epilogue - A Happy Ever After

Start from the beginning

As she was happier with Uncle Theo being around, they had asked him to stay a few nights and he had readily agreed. He was planning on leaving tomorrow as there was business in London that could not be delayed further, so they decided to practise what life would be like without him nearby. He was currently working in his bedchamber, far away so that he would not feel the need to run to her, should she be upset.

Henry had broached the possibility that Theodore himself could take guardianship of Hebe as they already had a loving relationship, but he had refused, saying, "She will be happier with you in the long run. I am already Uncle Theo and we will always have a special bond. That is enough for me."

Fortunately, he looked enough like Henry, though a little smaller and not nearly as handsome in her mind, that little Hebe had forged an attachment to her husband quite quickly. Rosannah was gracious enough not to be offended and determined to enjoy her moments with the girl when they came.

Henry was an excellent father, wanting to spend time with his children more than most others she knew. Nanny was forever fussing that she never got to do her job properly. She was currently standing at the side of the lawn watching as her charges played happily together, ready to take them up for luncheon when the time came.

Rosannah walked over to tell her that they could all eat together in the family dining room. She was glad to know that Nanny would accept it with ease nowadays, though there had been a great deal of good-natured but blustery huffing back in the day. The very idea that they had a downstairs family dining room was beyond peculiar to most, Nanny included.

According to almost all of her peers, children belonged upstairs in the nursery, out of sight as much as possible. But it was not what they wanted. Their existence was still so miraculous to her and Henry that the idea of hiding away the littlest members of their family seemed utterly ridiculous.

She knew that despite Nanny's blustering, she had very much loved working for parents who actually wanted to be with their children. Over time, Nanny had come to accept, as had all their staff, that she worked for a very unique family.

It amused her when new staff members prompted them all to remember how unusual their ways were, for it was so normal to everyone now. Their shock at seeing such friendly casualness between staff and family, even when visitors came, reminded Rosannah that they were not the customary type of family and Amblethorpe was not the usual type of estate.

Henry had made her feel confident enough that standing out from the crowd no longer bothered her. As he pointed out often in the early years of their marriage, they were rich and titled enough that they would never be cut from society, so why bother fitting in with the crowd and be uncomfortable in their own skin? Especially a crowd that had many people they did not particularly care for anyway.

They were known as eccentric among the ton, but he had been right, their company was often desired, their opinions often sought. An invitation to Amblethorpe was considered a prize, and despite the strangeness of their home, she had heard regularly through the gossip pages, that anyone who came, left feeling delightfully relaxed, and happier than they had in months.

She was glad her parents were no longer a part of her life for they would be furious with her delight at such a thing. She knew some scant details about their lives, for Henry ordered an occasional report on them. The main thing was that although they were both living quiet separate lives, away from society, neither of them had changed in behaviour very much and they had lost many servants due to their tempers. However, she did not concern herself with thinking about them much anymore, apart from a prayer every now and then.

It was their loss, for her life was a grand one indeed.

She smiled as she watched their oldest son Elijah being chased by his four younger siblings across the frozen lawn, shouts and laughter pervading the air. They needed to run, to keep their little bodies warm in this cold winter weather.

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