Part 2

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Jordan yawned as they sat in their second period, English Honors 1. 

It wasn't that they were bored. They almost never got bored in this class. English was one of their favorite classes, and they were also top of their entire English class with a 98%. 

They were just tired. Like always. Jordan had almost forgotten to sleep last night taking care of so many things to do that they had forgotten to do over the weekend. It was beginning to be a hassle to take care of everyone while keeping them hidden and safe. 

Jordan shook their head, in an effort to wake themself up a little bit, and tried to focus on the lesson. 

That is, until something loudly banged on the window next to their desk. 

Jordan jumped and whipped their head around to try to figure out what had happened, along with most of the class. 

"Probably just a student," Jordan muttered under their breath. 

The teacher, a 50-ish nice man with a blue button-up and some pants frowned and walked over to the door to go investigate. 

"Hold on, just a moment class-" He said, and then stepped outside. 

Immeaditly there were murmurs and talking going on, trying to guess who had banged on the window or what it was. Some thought it was just a cat, or a bird, others thought it was their friend skipping class and trying to disrupt their own. 

Jordan, on the other hand, was hoping it didn't have anything to do with them. 

Jordan heard the teacher curse loudly, only seconds afterward, which was something they had never heard the teacher do before and the entire class went silent as the teacher started to yell. 

Jordan's eyes widened and they leaped out of their chair and towards the door slamming it open and running towards where the yelling had come from. 

A security guard and Jordan's teacher had been cornered in between two buildings by a large, and by large it was almost the size of a truck, black Panther, though Jordan knew it was definitely more than just a regular big panther. 

"Apples!" Jordan yelled at the creature, "Apples come here, now!" 

The creature stopped it's hunt for a moment to turn and look at them curiously, it was obvious that his eyes had no pupils and were a stunning white. 

"You want some treats, Apples?" Jordan cooed, leaning forward some trying to beckon the Panther towards them. 

"I have some treats back at home," Jordan continued. 

The panther looked back and forth between Jordan and the men, and then finally decided to go towards Jordan. He rubbed his head against Jordan's whole body, purring loudly. 

"Sorry about that," Jordan nervously laughed, "He's my, er, pet-" 

"That's your pet?!" The security guard exclaimed, "That thing's a monster!" 

Apples growled protectively. 

Jordan sighed, and reached into their back pocket, pulling out two candies. 

They walked up to the two cornered men and handed them the candies, "Here, eat these." 

"Why?" Jordan's teacher asked.

"They'll help with your soon-to-be headache," Jordan said. 

"God, I'm an idiot to actually trust you on this," The security guard muttered under his breath before plopping the orange candy in his mouth along with the teacher. 

Not only moments later their faces flushed with confusion. 

"What are we doing over here?" Jordan's teacher asked. 

"Oh," Jordan perked up, "I saw a cat and wanted to pet it, but the police dude didn't want me to because it was class time, and stuff. I peeked my head outside to see the bird you found that hit the window." 

"Oh, yes," Jordan's teacher nodded in understatement, "I remember now." He laughed slightly, "The old noggin's starting to lose its oomph, come on now Jordan." 

Jordan smiled to themself, and nodded, "Yes sir. Oh, I was just about to ask if I could use the bathroom before the whole bird thing. Do you think I could go?" 

Jordan's teacher smiled as the security officer frowned and wandered off, "Of course, don't take too long though." 

"Yes, sir," Jordan nodded, and then walked off, placing a hand on Apples' back as they led the black panther towards the exit. 

"Apples, I'll give you some treats after school okay? Cosmo might be able to get you some, though." 

Apples purred and brushed his tail up against Jordan before bounding over the fence surrounding the school and down the road. 

Jordan let out a sigh of relief that it was just Apples and not a different creature of theirs, but their relief was taken away quickly. 


Jordan turned around to see Helen, wide-eyed in terror looking at them. 

"What," Helen spoke slowly, "What. Was. That." 

Jordan nervously smiled and said, "Just my cat." 

Helen opened and closed her mouth a few times before sputtering out, "You said you didn't have a cat?!" 

"Calm down," Jordan said, and then reached into their back pocket for their memory altering candy. But they had forgotten to pack more than two. 

Jordan cursed aloud and Helen, still terrified, asked, "What? What's going on? What was that? It was huge!" 

"Please be quiet," Jordan said, "He's a black panther-" 

"Those can't grow that big, can they?!" 

"No-" Jordan sucked in a tight breath, "Let me talk." 

Helen closed her mouth and didn't move. 

"It's a black panther from some other Realm-" 


"I said shut up!" Jordan exclaimed, running forward to Helen and putting a hand over her mouth. 

Helen licked it instinctively and then immeaditly gagged. 

"What have you been touching?! That was disgusting!" She exclaimed, sticking out her tongue. 

"Apples, the creature you just saw." 

"You named it?!" 

"Well, duh," Jordan said, "He's my friend. He has to have a name if we live together." 

"You live-" 

"Listen," Jordan interrupted, "I know you have tons of questions but they are going to have to wait until after school, okay? Maybe seventh period, I dunno. But I have to get back to class." 

Helen pursed her lips and hesitantly nodded. 

"This is just a dream," Helen then said defiantly, "I'm going to wake up, and then I'm going to almost miss the bus. Then I'll tell you, Kyle, and Chance about my dream in the morning and we'll all laugh about it." 

"Uh, sure," Jordan said, "Whatever." 

Jordan started to walk away, "See you." 

Helen nodded weakly and walked back to where she was before, "S-see you." 

Jordan shook their head with a sigh, "Cosmo is going to roast me alive." 

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