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______SHORT CHAPTER______

"Yes what else,sally was watching us.you obviously did this to make her jelous and now she will get the idea to back off. she stormed away at the right time or else I would really had to kiss you. whewwww ,आज तो बच गये।."
( Today we are saved )
He said chuckling and sat up he offered me his hand to stand and I took it
I smiled " yeah"
And then someone called Abhi so he excited himself.
Not more than ten minutes were left for the bell so I went back to the school building.

Abhi didn't want to kiss me it was stupid of me to think that, I should not push him. For now I will concentrate on being his best friend. I thought

I attended the next lecture which was english we studied the tempest by Shakespeare. It is very important for us ICSE students to learn Shakespeare so I tried to concentrate on the teacher.
I didn't know where Abhi and others were. Shreya was beside me taking her own notes.
Soon the lunch period arrived.
I and Shreya walked to the canteen. I scanned the room for my boy.
My landed on the corner.there he was sitting and munching on his lunch with his friends.
We walked to the table
''hey'' I smiled at everyone and settled between Abhi and Raj. While Shreya sat beside Rohan.

We were just talking about everything. The boring lectures, strict and lame teachers and blah blah blah

I was chewing my cheese sandwich when someone grabbed my behind and squeezed it
I gasped and looked on both the sides to check who was it
Abhi or Raj but both were busy having conversations with others.
I couldn't tell from the expression of the both who was it .
Abhi won't do it the was it RAJ!
बेशरम ! (shameless)
  I thought to bring this up to Abhi later Abhi will definitely do something.
Now I now why never felt comfortable with this idiot.
How can he touch a girl like this that too on public.

I must have made scowling face because Abhi spoke"Shraddha what happened, why are you not eating?"
"Nothing! see I'm eating .don't see my plate ,eat  yours ." I glared at him.
He chuckled and shook his head and resumed eating.

Rest of the day was a blur.
We attended our next lectures.
Boys had the football practice after school and Shreya had to running practice so they all stayed back. I had to drive alone to home.

4pm. I finally reached my home.
Today was a long day.

I was welcomed by my mom.
She asked me about my  first day
while I was having my lunch , a bowl of Khichdi and curd.

She asked me about my  first daywhile I was having my lunch , a bowl of Khichdi and curd

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I retired to my bedroom and did my Homework

I was hoping Abhi to call me but to disappointment he never did
I skipped my dinner saying I was really exausted.

Today was my first day. A lot of things happened, I made a good friend, Shreya.
I met Abhi after a long time but never felt like it.

I even attempted the stupid stunt in the ground. Made an enemy sally and not forget about the chills that I got when someone squeezed my butt.

Tomorrow will be a good day.
I sighed and dreft off into sweet and deep slumber.
583 words

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