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We were having our lunch.
When a group of cheerleaders came to our table.
One girl came to me and asked"would you like to try out for cheerleader?''
I shook my head and smiled politely."cheerleading is not my cup of tea"and laughed a little.
She smirked"well, too bad but for  your information we cheerleader gets to date the hottest boys of the school and football team comes under that and Abhi here is football team captain. So if you want to date him, you have to be a cheerleader for him to notice you..... because in that clothes and makeup no one will date you." She said a bit harshly.
I frowned and said "I don't have  to be a cheerleader or do tons of makeup to be noticed by my bestfriend."
"Yeah best friends..blah....blah... blah. Whom do you think you are fooling. everyone  here knows  how you both behave.
Holding hands all the time , laughing and smiling at each other all the time.
He didn't do any of these with any other friends."

"Oh can you shut up Priya, Shraddha and I are best friends. We are comfortable with each other. we have always been together...but why am I explaining this to you....will you please leave us and let us have our lunch peacefully."Abhi said in an annoying tone.
Priya huffed and stamped her foot and left

We were back to eating when suddenly Abhi called me " Shraddha ?"
"Hmmmm" I hummed in response and raised my head towards him.
"So we are having a football match this Saturday and every player brings his date  or girlfriend with them and they wear the player's jersey of that player. Rohan here has asked Shreya to his date."

I snapped my head towards shreya. She just blushed and lowered her head and focused on her plate.
I just gave her the look saying you better tell everything to me later

Abhi  continued and said "so will you come for me , to cheer me,as your bestfriend of course, if you are fine"
He gave a hopefully look
I can't say no to that look and beside I will gladly cheer hor him.

I smiled and nodded.

He smiled
"great then Here!"
He opened the zip of his bag and took out a school jersey with his name and number on the back.
I gladly took it and put it into my bag.

I am happy it's the first step. He finally asked me to wear his jersey. Today is Thursday and Saturday is only a day far.
I will give a hint of my crush to him.
I can't wait any longer.my stomach is hurting with keeping these emotions in me.
I know he will not break my heart.
I will speak to shreya and will plan out something.

Oh the things we do in love.

You wait Abhi you will get a surprise this Saturday. Thinking this made me blush and I immediately looked down on my plate and let my hair fall down my cheeks so that no one would notice and resumed eating.

but I didn't knew that Abhi,was the one planning a surprise which  was going to give me the shock of my life.

Hey guys finally we are not under a strict lockdown but that doesn't mean it gives us the permission of being careless.
Stay safe.
Be careful.
Be smart and don't be a part of something like this.

All this crowd just for a grand welcome of  the HEALTH MINISTER OF KARNATAKA .  the people are worshipping the lords and welcoming monsoon season throwing the social distancing out of the window.😟



YOU , ME  AND LOVE (On Hold)Where stories live. Discover now