"No!" you protested, "That's not true! I wanted to save you, I wanted to protect you.. I just-"

"You were just too weak," she finished off with a painful remark.

You froze. Everything she was saying was true. You knew you were too weak, but you were only a child. But still..

I shouldn't have run away.

"Bye sis," Lily voiced.

You were so deep in pondering over your guilt that you didn't notice the  sharp dagger releasing from her fingertips.

"Lily!" you yelled. You put your arms up in hopes to deflect it with a lightning shield, but the original form of the dagger suddenly shifted into multiple black swords.

The huge, immediate rush of adrenaline in your veins made you lose control of the electricity you were focusing on. The lightning was now replaced with the mere emotion of fear.

I can't react fast enough..

You closed your eyes and waited for the impact as your gut tightened to prepare for the unbearable pain that was about to happen in a split second.

It's just one hit.. It's just one hit.. It's just one h-


You lifted your eyelid a tiny bit to see Meliodas charging at you with his arms wide open. Before you could embrace his body, he tackled you out of the way, just in time before the swords could pierce through your gut. Their sharp tips cut deep into the wall and left numerous crevices from their impact.

Meliodas' tackle caused great momentum between the two of you. Your bodies took a few topples before his body stopped abruptly above you.

You felt a warm hand holding the back of your head and an arm wrapped behind your back. You opened your eyes in realization of the events that occurred in those quick 3 seconds.

"Meliodas.." you murmured.

His head was tucked in the crook of your neck. You could feel his soft blonde hair tickling under your chin. In response to saying his name, you were met with those beautiful emerald eyes that you always loved.

"Well hi there, angel face," he greeted with a smile.

"You just saved m-"


In the corner of your eye, you saw Lily cast another attack towards you and Meliodas. Thick, plum gas launched out of her hands at an incredible speed. Her twisted scowl and threatening bloodlust showed no hint of mercy.

"LILY! Stop!" you exclaimed.

Meliodas winked at you. "Hold on for a second."

You watched as he swiftly got up from his position and reached behind his back to unsheathe his sword.

"Now now," he said as he swung his arm back, "You're being quite a rude guest."


Lily's eyes widened as her dark mist betrayed her command and charged at their new target.

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