Chapter 3

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Meliodas' POV

"You said to get comfortable!" I complained from (Y/N)'s reaction. She ignored my remark and scowled.

"What do you want to eat?"

I smirked. "Well, do you have any Ale?"

(Y/N) looked at me like I was from another planet.

"It's a type of beer," I explained.

"Um..well, we don't put beer in our house.." she said.

I frowned with disappointment but smiled again. "That's okay, I'll have some chicken then!" I plopped down on the couch and began to relax.

Your POV

I can't believe he did that..

You blushed and covered your breasts, glancing at the blonde boy.

Why did I even let him in my home?!

Despite your thoughts you listened to his request and prepared some roasted chicken. You brought the dish to the waiting pervert.

"Thanks!" Meliodas grinned at you.

What a with a cute smile at least..

You shook your head and slapped your cheeks at the gross thought.

Meliodas stopped midway from his first bite. "What's wrong?"

You looked away and hid your red cheeks. "I need to treat your wounds!" you quickly responded.

Meliodas stared at you blankly before giving you a response. "Fine..."

You headed upstairs to find a first aid kit and other medical supplies. You returned to see him devouring his chicken meal.

I'm guessing it's good..


"Okay, this might hurt a bit..." you warned as you dabbed Meliodas's cut shoulder with a wet cotton ball.

"It's okay, thanks for treating me and cleaning up my wounds (Y/N)," He paused. "I need to get back to the others though.."

You stopped dabbing and remembered what Gilthunder said earlier.

"Wait, is it true what that holy knight mentioned earlier? Are you one of the Seven Deadly Sins?" you asked with caution.

Meliodas's POV
"Yup! I'm the captain!" I grinned almost innocently and proudly.

(Y/N) glared at me. Her body started to distance itself from me.

"I'm not evil like they say, including the others. It was a huge misunderstanding and if I were to tell you the story you might not believe me," I quickly clarified, rubbing the back of my neck.

(Y/N) still glared at me. I nervously kept rubbing my neck in hopes that she wouldn't reach a horrible conclusion.

She sighed and continued cleaning my shoulder again.

She's pretty kind for doing this..

"Um hey..I owe you! What do you want? Money?" I offered.

(Y/N) laughed a bit. "No need to spend crap for me, Meliodas. All you need to do is apologize about your clumsy hands," she said a bit angrily.

But I saw her hide that smile.

Author's Note:


(*EDITED!* This chapter was edited quite a lot from its original script to improve any errors. Apologies for the inconvenience.)

〈♡〉meliodas x readerOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara