to stay by your side

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July 21st, year 1

A bard and a witcher were lying wide awake in a dark forest. A cut off head of the drowner Geralt has killed a few hours earlier was lying nearby - the person who wanted the monster dead demanded proof.

The two had to spend the night outside for multiple reasons. First, nobody would let them in any tavern with a slimy, bloody piece of meat the witcher had to deliver. Second, even if someone was willing to let them take the head inside, it was too late for a tavern in a village as small as the nearest one to be open.
'I hope this man will pay you well', said Jaskier. 'I'm starving. If I manage to get some extra money from my performances, maybe we'll be able to stay in this village for a few more days.'
In response, he only heard Geralt sigh. For the bard, that was a sign he could continue talking.

'You know, back in the days when I was a child, I would never go hungry... But I think I like it better the way it is now'.
He looked at Geralt, but the other man didn't say anything. The witcher was definitely not a talkative type.
'My father was a duke, but I wouldn't ever inherit the title after him. As first born, my brother inherited the title. My mother wanted me to be a knight. The thing is, fighting isn't exactly my thing and trust me when I say I tried reasoning with her. Apparently, it didn't matter. She gave me away when I was nine, so some weird old knight would train me'

Geralt silently decided to ignore the simple fact that actual reasoning with somebody might be hard for a nine year old boy. As much as he hated to admit it, listening to the bard's stories was not always that terrible.

'So then for a few years it was actually good. I'd spend most of my time in the kitchen or with the maids and they enjoyed listening to me sing. My work was usually easy, things like making the bed or peeling potatoes. Sometimes he would make me do a job more related bo being a armour-bearer, but that was good, too. I had plenty of time to come up with new songs and poems'.
For a moment, Jaskier looked at the starry sky with a dreamy glint in his eyes. He was always like this when he talked about art or music.
'But then, one day, he just came over to my quarters and announced that he'll start training me as a knight the next day. So once again I tried explaining that I don't want to be one. And then this maniac slapped my face'.

Geralt couldn't help his fists clenching at the mention of the abuse.

'I've had no choice but to run away the same night, only taking my lute and a little amount of money I've had. I was nineteen. Sometimes I wonder how would my life look if I didn't do it and honestly there is no way it would be better than it's now'.
The bard smiled, turning to his side to look at the witcher.
'I wouldn't have met you, friend'.

Geralt suddenly felt something he forgot he was capable of feeling and at this point he couln't even give it a name. Attachement? Perhaps.
A dangerous feeling for a man like him.

'I am not your friend' - he said, feeling bitter guilt building inside him.
'I disagree'.

But Jaskier in fact did disagree. Geralt was not quite a friend for him. He was somebody more - somebody Jaskier cared for with all his heart, his muse and love.

'You are my friend, you complete me. I need you.'
'I don't want you to need me.'
'We can't always have what we want.'

The bard waited for any reaction from his companion, but nothing happened.

'I need someone strong to protect me and you need someone gentle to take care of your wounds. I need company and you need someone who will pay some of your bills. I need a muse, you need a friend. I see you struggle, Geralt. I know there is more to you than you show, but that's alright. You'll have plenty of time to open up, because trust me - I'm not leaving your side.'

Even though a silent groan was the only aswer he got, Jaskier had a feeling he's finally gotten to the man he fell for.

754 words, 13.05.2020

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