Chapter 6: The Sterling Family (Scene 2)

Start from the beginning

"What did you do to her?" Damien asked.

"Punished her for talking back to me and disobeying me." he smirked.

"How many times did you hit her?" he asked.

"Only once but I would have done it more if you didn't come in. But now that you are here you can finish her off yourself." he said turning to me with a smirk on his face.

"Is this true, slave? Did you disobey my brother?" my master asked me as he stared at me. I was so scared and shaken up that I couldn't say anything. I opened up my mouth but nothing came out.

"I asked a question, slave!" my master said as he came over and grasped me by hair so I would stand. His expression was full of anger.

"Ye...Yes master...It's true" I said on the verge of tears.

        With that being said, my master slapped me so hard across my face that it sent me backwards towards the floor and wall once again. I hit my head against the wall that both my hands went to my head and rubbed it as I started to cry. It hurt so bad that I just cried in front of my master and his brother and I didn't care.

"I'll be going, brother. Have fun with her." I heard Devonte say as he walked towards the door.

"Mmhmm" was the only thing my master said.

         After Devonte left and I heard the bedroom door click shut, I could still feel my master's eyes on me. I was left all alone in the room with my master who probably had an angry expression on his face. I was still on the floor near the wall scared but I couldn't do anything. Only obey otherwise I would get beat and I sure as hell didn't want that. My head was throbbing and I felt a slight headache coming on. All I wanted to do was go to sleep, forget this all happened and go home. But that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Did you clean my room?" he asked me with anger still in his voice.

"Ye...Yes, master, I did." I managed to say through shaken words because my mind and mouth were not cooperating.

          My mind wanted to say something smart but my mouth wouldn't let it because I knew that if I said anything smart, I would get a beating. Sure enough I didn't want to say the wrong thing and get hurt once again.

"Get up" my master commands me.

         I didn't want to get up; I just wanted to stay in the corner and sleep. I was so tired and exhausted, not just mentally but physically as well; I just wanted to sleep and wake up tomorrow morning, refreshed and renewed. But I knew I couldn't do that, especially not with a master who is not afraid to beat me and punish me even in my sleep. I knew I had to do it so with my shaking legs I slowly started to get up. As I regained my balance, with the walls help, I noticed my master walk closer towards me. I stepped back as a natural reaction but suddenly felt the cold surface of the wall hit my back. I was too close to the wall and I was trapped now. Great. 'Please don't hurt me' where the only words repeating over and over again in my mind.

"Don't back away, slave. Don't you ever walk away from me." he said as he drew closer to me.

"Look at me" he demanded.

       I looked at him and this was the second time I had seen him although this time it was closer and I had a clearer view of him. For a minute I had forgotten just how gorgeous he was. His hair was messy and covered parts of his forehead; it was brown and wavy. Those green eyes where so hypnotizing that I could just stare in them all day. His bone structure was just so perfect and I didn't know it was possible for a man, scratch that, any person to look so perfect without surgery. And those lips, those gorgeous lips that I just wanted to kiss so badly. I was attracted to him in so many ways like an unexplainable invisible force was pulling me to him but I couldn't understand why? I mean he is a mean stuck up stubborn prince who likes to beat women and hold them as slaves. I must have zoned out because the next thing I know I felt my head slowly begin to nod.

"Do everything I say and I shall be good with you" he said but for some reason it sounded so distant and fuzzy however it was soon gone and I don't remember anymore.

       I nodded my head again and closed my eyes as I inhaled the scent of his cologne. My thoughts began to get hazed and I felt his finger lift my chin so we could be face to face. He moved his finger from my chin to my lips. He touched my lower lip and I shivered. I kept my eyes closed and just stood there waiting for a kiss...a kiss that would never come; instead he spoke.

"Get some sleep and get ready for the ball tonight." I heard him say.

          I opened my eyes to look at him but he was gone. I looked everywhere but I didn't see him. How did he get out the room so fast? I wasn't zoned out that long, was I? I slid down the wall until my bottom touched the floor and I brought my knees up to my chest. I felt the tears whelm up in my eyes again so I just put my head on my knees and cried. This was going to be a hard and long journey.


A/N: So what did you guys all think of this chapter? Please let me know in the comment section below and pretty please vote and fan, it would really mean a lot to me. Thanks you and I'll see you in Chapter 7. :-)

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