Chapter 1- Perfect Stranger

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You're listening to Morioh-cho Radio! Good morning to the town of Morioh! It's a beautiful sunny day with blue skies and a warm temperature of 21 °C! It's the last weekend before the first day of classes for many of our fine students and we here at the radio station wish them the best of luck in their endeavors! Now, here are our top stories-

Tomoko Higashikata turned off the radio due to the sound of a car engine roaring near the front of her home. The microwave clock read 8:30AM sharp, just in time.

"Josuke! Are you up?! It's time to greet our guest!" Tomoko's loud voice echoed throughout the house, waking up the sleeping teen upstairs who was still in his boxers and tank top. He jolted awake when he heard the car engine cut off and a door close, his hair spiking up in every direction.

"Shit! I overslept! My hair looks like a mess!" Josuke panicked as he quickly threw off his comforter and found a t-shirt and baggy pants to adorn his muscular chest with. He rushed to grab his comb and gel as he bolted down the stairs, only to come in contact with his less than enthused mother.

"I swear to God Josuke, I've told you a thousand times she was going to be here by 8:30! The least you could have done was put on a clean shirt and pants! Now she is going to think we are a bunch of slobs!" Tomoko flicked her son's nose in annoyance, soon pinching the bridge of her own in stress. Josuke rolled his sapphire blue eyes in annoyance as he combed his hair into his typical pompadour style.

"Yeah, yeah. I don't get why she's staying with us anyway! I mean can't she get her own house or at least stay at a hotel? Why did you volunteer to house some foreign stranger?" Josuke grumbled. Tomoko clicked her tongue while helping to smooth out the wrinkles on her son's old shirt.

"Listen, without having a fath-...without someone else helping me with the bills, it was either this or getting a second job. The Japanese government funds host families and we could use that extra money. Besides, it might be nice having someone else around for a change to help with the cleaning and cooking. Be nice Josuke, having her here is a blessing. Who knows, you might even like her." Tomoko winked just before the doorbell rang. Josuke's pastel cheeks flushed with pink as he turned away.

"As if..." He muttered under his breath. She's probably gonna be some old hag with no future or a divorced chick trying to start over...why else would she come all the way out here? Tomoko opened the door to see her police officer father standing next to you, a bright and beautiful young woman at the ripe age of 22 years. You carried one of your bags in front of you while Mr. Higashikata helped with the other. Josuke froze in his spot along with Tomoko for just half a moment. Your eyes held a sparkle in them with excitement over your new home with the Higashikata family. A Spring dress with violets on it adorned your figure, a cute ribbon in your hair to match. You wanted to start fresh by becoming a teacher in Morioh...and you figured looking your best would help you with your fresh slate.

"Good morning! My name is (y/n) (l/n). It's a pleasure to meet you. Thank you for allowing me to stay here during the school year." You bowed your head while in the entryway of the home, Tomoko and Josuke blown away by how young and pretty you were. Tomoko shook off her shock first, silently thanking the fact you seemed polite and not ancient. The last thing she needed was to host a future teacher older than her.

"Oh, so polite! Come in, come in! We were just about to have breakfast! I am Tomoko Higashikata but you can just call me Tomoko, this here is my son Josuke." The boy broke out from his frozen state to give you a curt wave and a small smile. "I see you have already met my father, Ryohei Higashikata," Tomoko finished. The policeman gave a hearty smile on his face.

"Are ya kiddin'? I already gave her permission to call me Gramps! This one has quite a sense of humor! I think you three will get along just fine! Josuke, would you mind taking these to your mother's room?" Gramps gave your suitcase to a semi-confused Josuke and nodded towards you to insinuate you should give the bag you're holding to him as well.

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