"You're so funny man," JJ called, Marlee having moved back by his side as people began to stop and stare. Pope and Kie had joined them,  desperately trying to calm him down whereas everyone else cheered on a fight.

Marlee glanced over her shoulder at Topper, whose gaze lands on her, a furious gleam in his eyes. "Dirty Pogues!" He called, jaw settling firmly. That felt personal to her, a fire lighting in her eyes as she stared him down.

It was then Marlee's blood began to boil, the buzz leaving her instantly. "You really wanna talk? You lying, assh-" she started, fists balling by her sides. She didn't want to fight him, but  his words cut deeper than she expected, and her fury grew by the minute. The only reason she stopped moving toward him was because John B seemed to lose it first, lunging towards Topper. The sound of Sarah and Pope yelling for them to stop rang in Marlee's ears, the pair sizing each other up.

     "Fuck," Marlee let out a breath, Topper throwing the first punch. It knocked John B to the ground, a chorus of winces coming from the crowd.

    "Hey, John B, don't make me drown you like your old man, all right?" Yelled Topper, a swift kick coming to John B's abdomen. She blinked in shock, unknowing as to how he could be so cruel as to mention Big John.

She turned to Sarah quickly, eyes hardening in anger. "You stop your boyfriend right now or so help me-" Marlee seethed, staring the blonde down. Amongst the chants for a fight, she knew bringing up John B's dad would only make him fight until he couldn't.

Sarah's mouth opens and closes in desperation, eyes darting between the fight and Marlee. " I- don't-," she trembled, and Marlee catches a glimpse of the shaking hands. With a roll of her eyes, the redhead disbandons the method of getting Sarah to help, instead opting for her own. She knew Topper wouldn't hit her. She began to move forward, heartbeat pounding as John B took a particular painful blow to the stomach.

   "What?" Her tone was harsher than she meant, but it didn't seem to matter to JJ, whose hand catches her arm. The pair were now going back and fourth, but Marlee could tell John B was distracted by what Topper had said, his motions slowed. JJ's eyes dart behind her to cheer on John B before coming back to her.

   "He can handle himself," JJ said, eyes locked with Marlee's. It stunned her for a moment, surprised by his seriousness, before replacing it with apparent annoyance. She could make her own damn decisions.

"I know that, but I can stop it. He won't hit me, stupid," she played it off casually, hoping Topper hadn't become that cold. She looked back over her shoulder with a wince at a sudden thud, eyes widening at the scene. "JJ I swear to god if you don't let me go," she threatened, unable to tear her gaze away from Topper holding John B's head underwater, her friend unable to get the upper hand. Panic began to rise her in throat as she tugged against JJ, her gaze not waive ring from the fight.

It was still suddenly, the worry on JJ's face apparent. He was no longer cheering, his grip on Marlee tight and eyes unmoving from John B. That was when she knew it was bad, as JJ never seemed worried about anything. As moments pass and John B still doesn't come up for air, Marlee didn't care anymore if her efforts seemed strange, if her friends questioned it. She might be able to get him to stop. "Topper, stop! Topper!" Marlee called, eyes squeezed shut to avoid any looks she might be getting from her friends. It seemed to work for a moment, the boy easing up at the sound of her voice. It was hardly noticeable if you weren't looking. But she was, and that tiny, miniscule moment gives John B a fraction of time to breathe before his head is plunged under water once again. "JJ," her voice was hard, knowing that if she could just go other there, it might work.

   "He's drowning him!" Pope said, and Marlee would normally roll her eyes at the complete obviousness of it, but the fact that it was actually happening made goosebumps rise to her skin. She struggled against JJ more, tugging with her entire weight against him. After this was over, she would be having some choice words with him.

   "I'll handle it," muttered JJ, and at that, Marlee froze. Turning slowly, she watched him reach for the very thing she was sure he wouldn't ever need. She knew he wouldn't hurt Topper, but the fact that if he just had let her go to them it and stop it, pissed her off. She clamped a hand over her mouth to stop the gasp before rushing to Kie and Pope. "Yeah, you know what that is," JJ clicked the safety of the gun off, Marlee's mouth going dry. She watched as her friends yelled at him to stop, the beach instantly clearing out of fear. Topper let up on John B, his struggle for air much less apparent.

Admist the yells of Kie, Pope, and Sarah the blonde approached her with a sense of urgency. "Could you  tell him to cool it?" she spat, to which Marlee flutters her eyelashes in utter disbelief.

   "Are you kidding me?" She blurt, angry as to how Sarah asked her the very thing she wouldn't do to stop her own boyfriend from downing someone. "I asked you five minutes ago to tell your stupid ass--"

   "Marlee!" Her tone was harsher this time. "No one is stopping you right now. They'll listen to you," Sarah said quickly, voice lower. She blinked in surprise, wondering how much about her life Sarah knew, the 'they' pretty apparent instead of just a 'he.'

She nodded, slowly making her way over to JJ, in an attempt not to startle him. Her heart pounded in her ears, because the only way he would actually shoot Topper, is if she startled him. "JJ," she whispered calmly as she neared him, hand outstretched. He glanced at her, the gun pressed into Topper's head, whose arms are up in surrender as he slowly stands up. "Just let him go, it's not worth it," the words tasted bitter in her mouth, hoping Topper didn't see this as a win. JJ turned to her, and it seemed the look on her face made him realize what he was doing, easing up on the gun.

  "Fine," laughed JJ, taking the gun away from Topper aggressively as he backed away, and Marlee doesn't question it. He needed to cool off somehow, before anything else could happen.

   "Thanks for getting your psycho boyfriend off of me, Marlee," spit Topper, heaving from the energy exuded. JJ turned back to lunge once more at the words, but Marlee puts a hand on his chest with a quick shake of the head before advancing on Topper herself. She was grateful he at least decided to let her make one decision for herself that might.

Nearing  Topper, her face red with anger as Kie moved to help John B and Pope to JJ. "You want to talk about psycho?" Marlee laughed in his face, and she can see the flicker of regret cross his face at the obvious emtion in her voice. He hurt someone she loved. "You were quite literally drowning someone, so I would step down from that high horse you're on asshole," she huffed, taking another breath before continuing, voice lower this time. "I never thought you'd stoop that low. You have your dad disappear. Your parents die. You've seen that mess, haven't you?" Marlee fights off the lump lodged in her throat, not wanting to waste any more of her time.

"Fuck you, Topper."

*⋆.*:・゚ .: ⋆*・゚: .⋆


sorry this is so long! i didn't even mean to omg

.... so Marlee and Topper def have a history and it's one of my favorite parts of her storyline. she also be taking none of JJ's bullshit. (most of it stems from worry lol)

hope you enjoyed!

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